When do you consider day 1 of veg?

Seed or Clone
when is the first day of veg


First true leaves from seed is first day of veg I guess. This post will go great with this one.


From Seed I figure 4 weeks after seed is placed in media.
Slow grow under T-5 Floros.
I shoot for 2.5 weeks VEG.
Unfortunately I have been running 4 weeks VEG and all my sh!t gets totally out of control.
Clone - Whenever they have rooted the solo cup enough to drop into 1 Gal pots.
I’m a dirt farmer.


I start Veg when my seedlings hit soil/soilless or whatever the media of choice is, was taught this way a long long time ago and have always considered this the Veg cycle imo, I know people are all over the place on this issue and it gets confusing sometimes when I say 50-60 days Veg and they are like “WTFF” :man_facepalming:t2:


I honestly never count how many days they are vegging for.
I throw them into flower when I think they are ready, or, when I have room. :laughing:


Good question. I considered once it germinates and pops up with that first lil set of leaves was day1 veg.

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It starts as soon as I see green.


@Foreigner I agree, when the seed pops or when it has roots is what I consider day 1 of veg.

I never count days, track days or really care about veg days. I flip when it suits me, my space and what I’m trying to do.

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Me too. It often ends up being 6 weeks but there are many factors to consider.


Veg day 1 is when the cotyledons open up

I’ve always considered the night you flip photoperiod to the following night day 1 of flower

I agree @DougDawson I’ve always read veg starts when the first true leaves grow.

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Once they break the surface, it’s veg time. Anything else leaves it open to interpretation imho.

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For me veg starts when they break the surface and stand up. I don’t count the periscope day.