Looks like germination was a go!
Looks like germination was a go!
I use a variable transformer for applications like that.
It’s ‘Idget proof’
It allows you to tweak the voltage to whatever level you need to control the temperature of the heating mat (the mats are just a resistive element)
@Gpaw now that’s clever! Thank you
I use them to fine tune my lava lamp…
The 40 watt utility bulbs they use are all over the map for output. With one of these I can dial the lamp in for slow languid blobs…
They are quite efficient and the bulbs really last.
My only excuse is I got several over the years for free…
If you hunt around you can sometimes find them reasonably cheap.
I put them in shot glasses full of water, in a dark place and if after 4 days they should sprout. They then go into soil. If not try again.
The paper towel stuff I think is unnecessary and there is risk you will mess the seed up. Pop it put it in dirt!
Interesting subject. I just discard mine into a small pot for every seed that didnt pop n let it feed off the runoff if it pops it pops if it doesnt then it doesnt
I’ve never tried it in a shot glass with just water. How easy is that! Nice tip, thank you!