When people refer to the '88 G13/HP strain, do they mean the strain that launched the Chem line?

A plant is innocent. It has nothing to do with the person it came from, or what they did. The quality of the person isn’t correlated to the quality of the plant. Informants don’t advertise; there’s probably lots more where Rez came from. Everyone blames Rez, but Dutchgrown was busted first.


Was nobody on OG from OR-CO border smoking dogbud or the local high grade '89-'91?


nah, you dont get it man. He commited the ultimate sin by ratting out his own kind. It is unforgivable.

Look, there has always been shady shit in the seed trade. People lie, steal and kill… its how its been since Sacred created Romulan in 1953. Then of course shit went off the rails when sam stole all those genes, and then the dutch took it the next level of shadiness. and its never been the same… but that’s just how the seed trade is… we all accept that as part of the business.

but you NEVER EVER rat out another grower. Snitching on another grower is a cardinal sin. Frankly its extremely unsettling that your defending him. It reflects poorly upon your character. . Anyone who tries to defend or rationalize the act of selling out yur friends to save yur own ass is a fucking scumbag themselves. That’s real talk man.

The shipment was seized at Logan AFTER he snitched. Gypsy went to fucking prison, the global seed trade was up-ended for fucks sake.
I blame rez/chem because he snitched. his dumbass filed the copyright paperwork. his own stupidity got him busted, But unlike the rest of us who have been caught, he didnt keep his mouth shut.

Look man, both Dr Dank and I have done time, and we both kept our mouths shut and did our piece. we never sold out anyone for shorter sentences. We knew the risks when we each decided to first grow weed. and when it came time to pay the price, we manned-up and did our time.

@Misolo313 our people were in CO indoors in 1987, so we were there during 89-91, i will ask Dr. Dank’ mom tonight about dogbud. But OR and CO do not border each other. OR and CA do border each other, however.


So you are saying Rezdog and Chemdog are the same person?


For that matter you NEVER EVER rat :rat: on ANYONE …! Kp yer mouth in ‘silent mode’ and take it on the chin… ( j.m.o.)

Is this not getting a bit ‘political’ here now …
I can see this being a contentious thread and will probably end up in the tank. Seems like ‘our’ industry is full of ‘few -truths’ , half truths and folklore ( big on the folklore, i think.!)
Anyway i believe we have answered the OP’s question as far as ‘we’ know. .!?


and half-folk :confused:




I meant the OR CA border. Sry. From what i understand the OR and WA scenes were more connected than most, community speaking. Dogbud was i assume commercial.

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I’m pretty sure Rezdog and Chemdog are two different people. Same first names, but different guys. Rez got popped then ratted Chem and Gypsy out.


Hes confused.



That’s what I thought.


When faced with prison time, most people “plead out” (with information)
Fact of life: most people in gen pop are there because of their “buddy”
I been there. Everyone seems to be an opportunistic snitch. Purity doesn’t exist.

Plants exist outside that. Free the cuts.


A good rule of thumb is that anyone who confuses Rezdog and Chemdog has no fucking clue what they’re talking about.


I just fucking love this site…


Good little read for the day lol.


Its mister nice g13 x hasplant