When people refer to the '88 G13/HP strain, do they mean the strain that launched the Chem line?

Just curious…:sunglasses: Appreciate you all sharing!


No it’s just the g13 x HP from/or pre 88’ , made available by @n8tiveguy ( ndn guy) and swampy etc, i believe.
Others here have more details but i don’t reckon any chem came from this line tho i could be wrong.
@Barefrog can you help with this one bro .?


Hola Gang

as far as I know

its not a chem line

Just really good hash plant



Check out the SkunkVA & PBud episodes of The Potcast; Chem came from deadhead bagseed with the Dog Bud iirc. :wink:



Two totally different and awesome things


i’m grateful to you for sharing your knowledge… all of you…


thanks you for your info!


ah yes, i like that story… thanks!


thanks for being so generous…with everything!


It’s not out of the realm of possibility. No one seems to know what the dog bud is. If it was grown in early 90’s/late '80s it likely descended from Amsterdam broadleaf stock.


grateful for you taking the time :slight_smile:



Strain Background: Every legendary strain has an equally mysterious origin story, and it is no different with our girl Chemdawg. As the story goes, a group of Colorado growers (one of whom was P-Bud) went on the Summer of ‘91 Grateful Dead tour with one pound of freshly harvest Dog Bud — it was so strong it made you ‘roll over like a dog.’ P-Bud began nicknaming the Dog Bud “chem weed” because it smelled so strongly of chemicals and gasoline. P-Bud came across a loyal customer throughout the tour who loved the herb so much, he earned the moniker Chem Dog. After the tour, Chem Dog and P-Bud kept in touch and continued to trade harvests from Colorado to Massachusetts. So legend has it, P-Bud sent Chem Dog a couple ounces of Dog Bud — one of which was riddled with seeds. Chem Dog popped some of the seeds in ‘91, leading to the legendary Chemdawg ‘91 strain as we now know it. He continued to pop seeds over the next few years and stumbled upon another winning phenotype which he named Chemdawg D (or 4). And there you have it, even the most epic strains have humble beginnings as a simple “bagseed.”



thanks for taking the time…yes, chemdog and the 13 seeds. the person publicly known as chemdog is not the one who started things. just like the person publicly known as pbud is not the original pbud and the person publicly known as jj is not the original jj. it’s virtually impossible to believe, and i don’t expect you to, but i just happened to be someone’s girlfriend in nyc in 1990. i just happened to have a front row seat.

tall of those people know this, and they know me. what folks did to develop the HP13 is incredible. i’m just trying to get back to a genotype that somewhat matches one of the original source parents of chemdog and diesel lines–the HP13. the crosses folks made with the HP13 are not something i was around for. clearly great choices were made in crossing the HP13 because that plant was super spindly, very finicky, and a very poor yielder. leggy plant. larfey bud. the chemdog and diesel lines are what made the plant scalable. but that smell and taste have not always been well-preserved and stabilized. still going through various lines of it, and this HP13 breedback is my best bet. at least in theory. haven’t grown it out so don’t actually know anything yet.

grateful to you for all the help.



Cool enough. :slight_smile:

Always glad to hear insider info. Shit…that’s why I’m on OG! :joy:

Using time as something to go by & nothing else… :thinking: I’d say look for as much mid-80s genetics as possible.

My best bet is the Dog Bud/Chem was a mix of underground US & dutch plants.

@deep_rob you interested in chiming in? :blush:



Thank you for caring.


I’ve got nothing to do w/ the 88 G13 x HashPlant
Ndnguy is the liberator and protector of the G13xHP, and for that I tip my hat to you my brother! @n8tiveguy


ndnguy had the 88ghp, and hazeman fucked it up for the rest of us.
as far as chem goes, there’s literally weeks worth of reading on here and on other places like icmag thcfarmer etc. … its interesting to read but its mostly speculation or unsubstantiated hearsay.
rezdog/chemdog got some good weed and found some seeds. thats it. same as og kush. bagseed from some good smoke from a complete stranger. everything else is speculation.
that being said, you look at what was in that area in 1990/91/92, and its seems logical it was built the same way eastern canadain weed was, being heavy in SSB ancestry. and i cant reply on a chem post without saying: fuck chemdog. I will never forget what that scumbag did to the community. He will never be forgiven. and the bitch of it is, that he is getting the last laugh; his bagseed discovery is in nearly all modern american gear. it has become so prevalent that u simply cant avoid it if u want to stay current and work with modern gear… it was a deep internal struggle that Dr. Dank and I both went through for years. eventually we caved. and rationalized by maintianing some untouched lines and, with the idea that we shouldnt hold the weed responsible for the crimes against humanity committed by snitch that brought the line to the world. … now, we still have our decency and morals however, we will never grow no fucking reeferman, lol.


So Rez is chem? And please say more about hazeman. No one told me shit about him? I’m not all into the history of cannabis as deep as you so please enlighten me. I ask as humbly as I know how too. @deep_rob


I wonder if you and I are speaking of the events prior to the person— before the person now known as chemdog got involved…?

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Sensi Seeds has recently released Mr Nice for the first time forever. Mr Nice is 88g13xhp.