Where do you buy viable hemp seed?

Im looking for viable hemp seeds but im having a hard time finding any. I need them for sprouting and making a seed sprout ferment. Hemp seeds would be the best for that but boy oh boy is it hard finding them. Let alone organic onesXD any help guys.
Much love

Hemp birdseed, but I thought that stuff was sterilized… If not the birds will love you.

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The Hemp Pet Nervine has a four year track record in supporting pet’s (generally canines) with their sensory system, regardless of whether that be because of minor torment issues, nervousness, dejection, absence of enthusiasm for eating.

You can buy from different sources:

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Ya can use (in Spanish) “lentejas”, fulls of auxines n another natural substances like this… Good to germination n pteflorewin…

i already use 3 kinds of lentils, mung beans, fenugreek, 3 kinds of quinoa, several corns, and a few others im forgettingXD

Hemp seeds sold in the US are almost always sterilized by irradiation. They are sold in health food stores and even at Grocery Outlet/Bargain Market here by the pound. But they will not sprout. The DEA considers viable seeds as a narcotic. In some states like Colorado and Oregon you can buy them for planting hemp fields now, but they are generally not sold across state lines. Again, for DEA reasons. There are several high CBD hemp strains that I was trying to get to cross with high THC strains, but I gave up trying to get seeds. I flipped to germinating several Lebanese strains that have a good 1:1 THC:CBD ratio already. They are about an inch tall now. Lebby red hash plants growing in my back yard. Never thought I would live to experience this. Its even legal to grow these plants here now. Never thought I would live to see that either.

Long live the Legal States of America!