USA seed trading thread

Hi all, this is a trading thread for people that live in the USA only.
I currently have some mix auto fem beans available, and would like to trade(preferably), but am also willing to send out 3 packs of 3 mix auto fem.s.


What are you looking to trade for?

Stay Hazed,

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Sounds good, are you looking for anything in particular?

nothing in particular. Just genetics coming from people that reside in USA.

Did I mention I’m giving away 2 free 3 packs of beans free shipping as well.


I’m interested in autos… I’ll pm with what I can trade

Stay Hazed,

Hey would u be willing to send me a pack of the free beans

still have 2 free packs of 3 lemon candy atuo fem.

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if your willing to donate to the cause im in need of some plz. @masterkusher

Hi .i have about 10-20 good seed from some skunk i grew out of bagseed…if interested.


I’m interested. PM me. Thanks.

Ok i will…still learning way around

Im interested in anything you have, willing to pay if need.

I have some (f4 ak47)x soma nycd seeds that are untested that I can give up. Im looking for true Mexican brick bag seeds and a true ak47 to renew my f4 line. Landrace indicas are also welcome.
Ill have way better stuff to contribute this spring.

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I got what you need (premium Mexican brick bag beans) lmk


I have some from Sonora mexico if your interested… Do you happen to have any landrace seeds by chance?

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I have some Afghan#1 Kush I’ll trade ya Grobro.


If you put the @ in front of a user’s name, they know you are addressing them.

How is it going dude?

Haven’t seen you in a day or three.


Right on, thanks. Been busy with the garden. Work never ends. Clones, transplants, seeds, watering, cleaning up, and I have a one year old that is into everything now lol.


@99PerCent I got it now Grobro lol

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