Industrial hemp seed importation

does anyone know firsthand about importing seeds from other countries? i got an email from a french company that asked for my import license. i looked at the usda website and it said hemp seeds not for human consumption just need a phylo certificate. i didn’t look at dea or anything, figured i’d ask here.

also, @moderators can we get a new category added for hemp? i have seen a few threads on it but it doesn’t really fit into any other category sometimes, like this one. i mean industrial cannabis is still cannabis, right? and hemp is still cannabis too, right? anyway, you can’t say no if i don’t ask.


You have to remember, not all countries have the same laws, especially regarding Cannabis. France, in particular, is anti-cannabis and strictly enforces anything related to Hemp. That is why one needs to provide “Paperwork” BEFORE expecting to buy. I would consider other sources, myself. Depending on the quantity you were seeking, I would check out the many Hemp Seed Sellers in the U.S. If you’re NOT located here in the States, even they will require “Import Authorization Notification”. Good Luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yeah, but that would be an export license for them. i can import them legally. the us has no paperwork that i can find on importing since it’s legal, except for the phylo report. i emailed back with my license asking what else there was, just checking if anyone here has done it and has some experience with it. also, i am going to buy a pound of sample seeds from a dealer here and grow them out for my own seedstock next year. i figured a 10x20ft high house should be enough for seeds for me grow over an acre. i lose a year but save $200.

I recommend Afterthought Autos for CBD hemp seeds. He’s a great resource for info and genetics.

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these are just going to be fiber hemp, no cbd or anything. futura 83 is the most prevalent one i can find suitable for my area. although there is a chinese variant that looks good. thanx for the tip.

He has fiber seeds too. I got a nice Chinese variety from him.

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i sent a contact to them. they didn’t have anything like that listed from what i could see. thanx again.

You need paperwork for importing any seeds from another country. Pretty well known.


it is pretty well known, and it’s also listed on a website. what they asked for doesn’t match what the us requires. if france requires something else, i imagine they will send a form or a link to the place i can get one. again, i was asking for first hand experience. i can get a guess from reading on the internet. thanx anyway though.

I’ve run into this issue before. Most of the licensed European seed dealers require paperwork to import into the US. I got disappointed a few times but I managed to find some sources that will send without documentation. Also afterthought has many varieties not listed on the website

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yeah, that email came from one of my first inquiries. i’ve since found us distributors, but am trying to find some reasonable shipping costs. if i can get a quarter pound each of futura 83 and the chinese variant i can compare to see which grows best on my farm. appreciate the tip.

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Also something to consider is almost all fiber genetics are up to 75% hermaphrodite. It’s basically how it reproduces. So it’s almost impossible to grow anything else in the same area without being pollinated

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i want pollination, hence the name of the company - 70 seeds. it’s how i plan on getting a sample of seeds and make my own for next year also.

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