Where weed got started

I will add that in the vid they proclaim there is little evidence of the plant that survived the ages; obviously they weren’t into wastin’ the weed! :sunglasses:


Oh yeah? Looks pretty close to Mount Kailash, where Lord Shiva lived :thinking:


They specifically mention Tibet and that is a rather large region. More than one mountain tho


What will always amaze me is how this plant has been with humanity for 2,500 years (I’d say longer)… domesticated before corn and potatoes!!!..and somehow the public was fooled into a propaganda campaign against it.

  1. It shows just how disconnected the public were/still are with nature.

  2. It shows just how much our “leaders” care about humanity.

  3. It shows the true intentions of those in power.

And today nothing has really changed… we get excited about legalization, yet I either cannot grow or have a limit of how many plants I have. LOL. Oh, and all the FEW that are legally allowed to grow or sell are big business in political pockets. :upside_down_face:

If you actually stop and think about it all, its quiet pathetic. :rofl:


Amen to that, pathetic is an understatement :+1:


Big corps dont want us to be making bank legally off a cash crop :0


No clue about where weed first developed.

Given that all mammals have an endocannabinoid system, I’d guess our relationship to cannabis may go back to a time before we were us, evolutionarily speaking.


Having a layman’s look at the endocannabinoid system shows it’s tied in with the nervous system, and lots of other physiological processes/pathways. Plus I learned a big word ‘neuromodulator’ :grin:


Idiocracy :smile:

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Cavemen 1👨:Food and veggies taste better when you heat it up!

Caveman 2🧔: what if you heat up your medicine brah?? Would that make it better???

Few moments later…

Caveman 1👽: how do I look??


I “officialy” give everyone explicit permission to grow as many pot plants as you want! :face_with_monocle::+1: Sprouting a seed is as close as you can get to being like GOD. No person or government has the right or authority to take that from you!
Overgrow the World! 🥸🌈


Lol bro got blazed and cooked af :joy:


Heres the real question, what did man consume first, Shrooms or Weed

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Corn and potatoes have been domesticated for approximately 8 to 10 thousand years


Kind of a hot take, but generally I’m not a believer in this line of thought. My read is more along the lines of how leaders are held captive by the very weak and very reactionary public. “Listen, little man”.

The idea of the big scary boogeyman pulling all the strings and holding down the beautiful spirit of the common man? Been around way too many people to believe in them; we are stupid pattern recognition impulse response machines. Leadership does the best they can with what they have, but what they have is not grand.


I understand it sounds a bit “conspiratorial” but when you really reflect on the propaganda campaign, on a plant that’s been with humanity since antiquity and is safer than say alcohol or the neurological numbing medications they throw at little children, you have to question the motive…

Besides, to call a human a stupid pattern recognition impulse machine is exactly what someone in power would want you to be. And it is what many have been shaped into becoming. With all due respect, give yourself and humanity a little more respect.

Think about it…

What do you say about the ancients? The pyramid in Egypt? The ability to farm and harvest… All the intelligence our ancestors were able to bring through without prior programming or being told how to do it?

I’d even go deeper and ask myself how do monkeys and other animals like birds know how to use plants for medical benefits? How are they all, even the plant, highly intelligent without “being educated”?

George Carlin said it best,
“Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.”

Of course to each their own outlook on the world. I don’t want to come across as “attacking” your valid points, rather add more material to the discussion. :heart:


Sometimes we do things out of order, ie bread predates farming


That would make sense though. Gotta create a need to farm grains before you farm grains


It’s a regulator/balancer of all other systems, iirc

As if it was placed here before there was a need for it, a medicine for future diseases


Mechoulam I believe is credited with the discovery of the endocannabinoid system, through the study of the plant. Wild shit man

It’s a chicken and the egg scenario