Whiney Inline Fan, by design or 1 off?

im setting up a new smaller grow area because i ran out of room so i had to buy a new small 4" inline. I decided to save a little cash and go with the Mars Inline. it showed up today and i was surprised at how much noise came out of this little thing. I would say its best described as mid-toned whine. I own 6" and 4" MaxFans, Hydrofarms and AC infinity inline fans and none of them have this type of whine.

This being my first Mars inline i was just curious to know if they normally have this kind of pitched whine or did i get lucky and get one thats messed up?

i tried to check out some youtube videos on the mars but i couldn’t find one where they were running it above 5 or 50% and not talking. the one i could hear it did sound like it kind of had the same whine.

thanks for taking the time out to reply if you do!


I had a issue with a living basic fan.

But what was happening was if the fan was upside down or side ways you would hear a TINGING from the blade…
All I did was turn it on its side or right side up and the noise went.

Maybe running it and flip it around?

I would have returned mine but I made it work.

Good luck hope some one else offers more help


Thanks for the reply @Calix
so far i’ve smacked it, flipped it, and rubbed it down (oh no) and let it run for over an hour now and no improvements. i’ll let it run overnight but at this point i think i may be returning this one and going with a diff brand. guess you get what you pay for…


send it back. if the new one does same thing send it back for a refund. you will end up hating it if you dont.

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This ones pretty decent, I’ve got it in my 4x4 it’s not to loud either.

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If it’s just a slightly annoying light hum I wouldn’t worry to much that kind of just comes with the territory when you’re using cheap fans. They get the job done though.

ya , thats what i was thinking when i bought it. a little cheaper, a little more annoying.

I’ve been playing with it some since i posted and i think there is something definitely wrong with this one. i can hear it 3 rooms away with the TV going. I’m still going to let it run overnight to see if more break-in time helps it but I’m pretty confident this one is going back. it’s not worth listening to this thing for a few years to save $30 and I’m not patient enough to try a second from the same manufacturer. Well i guess maybe if someone hits this post and says their MarsHydro runs quiet i might.


Yeah, they’re fine when you absolutely have to pinch pennies(me always :sweat_smile:) but if you’ve got the resources it’s cheaper long run to get something good so you’re not replacing it every year or two.

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An insulated duct makes a big difference as most of the noise propagates axially out of the fan.



Don’t buy any vivosun fans :rofl: one blew up on me shot a piece of plastic out threw the ducting went through 4 of them in a month pure garbage anything from that company Customer service sucks balls as well


and yep, i kept it on all night and no change to the annoying humming whine noise so it is going back for sure. POS. i feel sorry for anyone that buys on of these if it is the norm!

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I ttly agree with you @Gpaw, i use one of those insulated silencers on my biggest fan and it makes a nice difference in the noise of the exhaust, i love it. This noise is literally a whiney hum from the motor. i dont think any amount of insulated ducting will fix this guy unless maybe if i kept it in an icechest :smiley:


Ha, ya, i ttly learned that lesson myself, your experience sounds much more dangerous though. Mine was just a heating pad from Vivosun. 2 died within a month cuz the temp regulator fried. Complete and ttl waste of time and money.

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Good to know, I started with a 6in booster fan from then that started smoking by the second grow. Figured it was just the boosters but I’ll keep them out of my tent for sure now.


Their hid bulbs work fine though.

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Sorry to hear about the noisy fan. I always look at the fans Db noise rating and go for the quietest model possible. My ears ring like hell so I can’t stand any extra noises and am willing to pay a little more for that “feature”… Plus, I started growing in an apartment lla long time ago, so at one point – out of paranoia, as pot wasn’t legal back then – I couldn’t have noisy fans. :v:


Insulated ducts make a big difference sound wise.
PITA to work with but once installed they really work well. I’ve got a report if you want to see numbers.


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I use terrabloom fans and filters on 2 of my tents. I’ve been very happy. I run their 10 inch combo and generally never turn it above 50%. It’s quiet and smell free