DIY fan speed module

I just grabbed a shiny new Vortex fan for a KILLER deal, and the speed dial I have still runs it more than I need at its lowest setting. So I started thinking about a way to fix it…

Anyone have experience using a standard dial dimmer (home depot special) for this? As long as it’s rated to handle the power I should be good right? I figured I could wire it up to a double gang box with the dimmer on one side and an outlet on the other. This should give me better granular control with a wider range of voltages, I would think.

Any advice?


Generally it’s not recommended to use a standard triac-style lamp dimmer to run a motor. Technically it would probably work but it’s likely to make a noise much louder than the blower itself.


ok, so a standard dial potentiometer would be my best option, i suppose?

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I use this one and it is really good for the price. Has a built in fuse.


Yes, seems that’s the white label vivosun one. I have a very similar model :point_down:

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I used to have one of those and it is not very similar.

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You could use a variac, that’s what I do.


please explain?

You can easily compare them on their respective pages.

A variac/voltage transformer gives you 0/100% in absolute silence.

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That is the proper way to do things.

Using a dimmer can shorten the life of or damage your fan.
That said I used a store bought fan controller aka a dimmer for a few years and saw no issues.
Try not to let the voltage drop too low, I think that is what causes the issues.


Edit: @Star_Dog pointed out correctly that the Vortex is an AC motor and the PWM alone won’t do it, see my response below for an AC motor controller


PWM is what you’ll get on an AC Infinity or other good inline fan, it’ll just hum not buzz and it’s much cheaper than a variac

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I thought pwm is for dc powered fans like some of the infinity range but not it all?

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You’re correct I missed that the Vortex is an AC motor, he would need something like this:


I used one of these with a 20w bathroom fan (clone tent)

They’re fine in a jam but noisy compared to a variac, the change in frequency makes the motor coils vibrate, I read it’s not good for fans but idk.

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i just got a used 4 inch one of these yesterday and even the 4 inch on low is crazy overpowered for a 2x4 tent, glad i saw this thread!

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100% get one of these:

I use my spare for my shopvac when doing seed cleaning. :+1:


Look into these:

Mounting bars / negative pressure bars for your tents walls to stop the sucking from sucking.

I made mine outa 2x2 pine; much cheaper but I have the tools and space. (saw, drill bit that matches the pipe size of your tent, saw)


I made myself a reusable trellis out of 3/4 inch pvc and designed it to push the tent walls out about the same as a high cfm kit would, also plastic hangers stuck in the corners behind the poles gives a little more space too.
Just got the 4 inch vortex with a second 2x4 tent, other has a 6 inch variable speed ac infinity “booster fan” that runs just under medium.
Low on the new 4 inch is like 5x as strong as high on the 6inch. I could ventilate an entire room with this thing, definitely need a more varied speed controller more than a high cfm kit, but thanks for the tip!
I also saw someone use some small pieces of wood and they used a drill bit the size of the tent poles, and cut right on the hole so the half holes fit nice and snug on the tent poles to hold the wood in place