White critical express (kalashnikov seeds) feminized - atami wilma expanded clay only


Hi everyone, I purchased this Wilma drip system, but I water manually.
Unfortunately the seedlings are recovering after having suffered a shock of over fertilization and incessant continuous water, which is why I am now watering manually.

  • The PH at the beginning was 7.8 while the EC was 1.8 so the values were too high.
    The drip system was turned on day and night at maximum therefore after 2 weeks some problems occurred, which I resolved by lowering the PH values to 5.8 and the EC to 0.78 from the 3rd week, the humidity to 65% and the seedlings magically recovered and re-established.

  • As regards fertilization… at the beginning I also administered Dutch Formula Bloom and grow so the plants suffered another shock perhaps due to having produced a high quantity of “bloom” in the vegetative phase. Now that they are recovering from the shock I am administering only the “grow” every 5 days.

  • Regarding the ZEUS LED lighting, I lowered the lamp to 60cm with 3 bars, so only 300W.

Dutch Formula Grow 2 ml/l



Hi everyone, let’s start this week by saying that the seedlings are growing well but they are always hungry. This week maybe I’ll start defoliating the yellow ones underneath, I don’t want to apply stressing techniques, I want to let them grow without overly stressing them, just some small defoliation on the larger plants.
The PH and EC are stable, the humidity always the same.
The roots are white and have reached the holes to find water and nourishment, there are many roots in the tank, the air pump transmits oxygenation, I change the water every time it reaches the surface of the tank. In case I have any problems this week I will update… so far they seem in good shape.

Dutch Formula Grow 3 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 1.5 ml/l



Hi everyone, this week I inserted another 100W LED, now they are 400W, I will proceed with a nice defoliation and increase the PH to 6.0-6.2 and EC to 1.5, the ventilation together with the humidifier turned on every 36 minutes, oxygenation of the air pump always on, that’s all for now. I’ll update the photos!

Dutch Formula Grow 3 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 1.5 ml/l


Your project is looking really good! Do you like the drip system?



Hello everyone, today I started defoliation, intensive defoliation, the plants are doing very well, then I administered the fertilizers, I logically increased the dose for the growth of the seedlings.

pH 5.9
EC 1.72

Dutch Formula Grow 4 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 2 ml/l


I don’t use the drip system, I water everything manually, I eliminated the drip system and left only the drip system pump to oxygenate the water in the tank + another pump with 2 porous stones, the water I suck up with another pump it causes the water to rise and fall, creating something like… a reverse osmosis, I never change the water and it doesn’t stink, it’s always nice and clear and doesn’t stink! The roots are very white.

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It sounds like you have it figured out! I did a bubbler approach years ago and the air pump mDe all the difference in keeping the water fresh.


Hi everyone, this week I started FLOWERING, I defoliated the plants again, intensive defoliation for the 3rd time, the plants are doing very well and have not suffered the stress of defoliation at all, in fact they have tripled. I started administering bloom and bloom+grow accelerator and enzymes.
Next week I will start inserting the extractor for a good constant exchange of air and the dehumidifier if needed.
PH 6.2
EC 1.90

Dutch Formula Grow 4 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 2 ml/l
Dutch Formula Bloom 2 ml/l
Natural Power Growth Bloom Excellarator 1 ml/l
Natural Power Enzymes 1 ml/l
Advanced Amino 1 ml/l



Good week, today I defoliated and pruned my seedlings, to prevent excessive humidity which in the future would lead to the formation of mold in the lower part of the shoots so I had to prune them, also to increase more energy in the upper part of the apical shoots, more ventilation, oxygenation and vitality.
The pH and EC humidity levels are stable.

Dutch Formula Grow 4 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 2 ml/l
Dutch Formula Bloom 2 ml/l
Natural Power Growth Bloom Excellarator 1 ml/l
Natural Power Enzymes 1 ml/l
Advanced Amino 1 ml/l


9° FLOWERING :heart_eyes:

Hello everyone, after much defoliation and pruning, we have reached the pre-flowering phase, these buds are only 1 week old. In the pre-flowering phase I administered advanced silica+calmag, very complicated to administer at this stage, never overdo it with silica, I administered advanced silica with other fertilizers and it works perfectly! That’s all, I’ll keep you updated.

Dutch Formula Grow 1 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 1 ml/l
Dutch Formula Bloom 4 ml/l
Natural Power Growth Bloom Excellarator 1 ml/l
Natural Power Enzymes 1 ml/l
Advanced Amino 2 ml/l
Advanced Silica 2 ml/l



Hi everyone, today I defoliated and pruned the plants again and administered all the nutrients it needs. The Ph is 6.0 and the EC 1.75.
Today I will defoliate under the plants again.

Dutch Formula Grow 1 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 1 ml/l
Dutch Formula Bloom 4 ml/l
Natural Power Growth Bloom Excellarator 1 ml/l
Natural Power Enzymes 2 ml/l
Advanced Amino 3 ml/l
Advanced Silica 1 ml/l



Dutch Formula Grow 1 ml/l
Dutch Formula Micro 1 ml/l
Dutch Formula Bloom 4 ml/l
Natural Power Growth Bloom Excellarator 4 ml/l
Natural Power Enzymes 4 ml/l
Advanced Amino 3 ml/l
Advanced Silica 1 ml/l

Hi everyone, this week I started to increase the dose of fertilizers and little by little also that of the pH. The buds are not swelling as expected, perhaps there is little space between one plant and another, but… better to be patient in some cases, you never know… I’ll keep you updated


Your grow looks really nice!

Hi everyone, I want to get some advice from you, I have a bottle of totalcare, many growers add a little solution into the tank, some tell me to use it and some don’t. I wanted to know, do you think I can use it or should I leave everything as is? Then I also wanted to know if I can start administering PK or is it still early?


Hi everyone, have a nice week this week, the tops are getting fat and some of the upper leaves are starting to turn yellow but… you can’t see much. I increased the pump power and increased the mineral fertilization. The pH 6.0 and the EC 1.95. The plants are doing great. I also increased the ventilation.

Dutch Formula Bloom 5 ml/l
Advanced Silica 1 ml/l


I’ll pull up a chair over here.

Great looking grow @Dalila, your tent is packed, very nice work. Your Wilma system looks really good and I am wondering if you only use clay balls or if you have some other substrate underneath? And how many times do you water each day?
Excellent work so far! I can’t wait to see more.

You are aerating your nutrients and also said that you have white roots and your water smells good, so I don’t think you need to use the Total Care product at this time… If your water ever starts to not smell good, or if you ever experience root rot issues, that will be a time to use it.

You are fairly new here, so, welcome to Overgrow!

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Hello and thank you very much, I’ll answer your questions:
I only use expanded clay only this one.
I water only once a day manually because I eliminated the drip system.
I will share more photos later, I take photos every beginning of the week.
The roots are very white, truly all white.
I only used Totalcare once, just half a cap :frowning: just to test.
Now I have a problem but I don’t know what this insect is.

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hypochlorous acid is good stuff, and has lots of fans here on OG. It can be pretty easily made by yourself at home too

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Hello everyone and have a good week, I’ll share the photos of these ladies in advance. I think it will take a long time to remove them, at least a month and a half or a couple of months, I think!
What do you say? Some are a little small and I don’t know why but they are fine, they are not swelling as expected.

EC 1.50
PH 6.0


I think it’s a crawling water beetle