White Midribs: Manganese Deficit?

The only crop consultant I pay any mind has repeatedly said that veinal chlorosis is an indicator of Manganese deficiency. Manganese is apparently easily oxidized to unavailable forms and is a widespread deficiency.

Is that what is going on here? All my plants have this derpy translucent white vein look to them. I know it’s not Boron deficiency as some grapevine consultants claim, as I’ve pushed B to toxicity (K, Ca lockout). Any Craft Cannabis growers here want to speak up?

Should me veins be the exact same color as the leaf tissue, and doest that include the midrib?..

It becomes very obvious by week one and will stay with the plant throughout its entire life. I’ve seen white midribs and petioles, purple midribs and petioles, but rarely green midribs and stems. The only correlation I can make is sugars building up in various parts of the plant due to wreckless breeding, causing the purple color. It seems green would be the appropriate balance between purple and white? Bueller? Bueller???


Not an expert but yellow veins normally indicates Sulfur deficiency… :roll_eyes:

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What is your water/nute pH and what is your runoff? Soil should be 6.5-6.8. The plant looks fine based on the picture.

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the plant looks fine. try not to obsess so much and just grow man :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Peace :peace_symbol:


I’m not sure what you mean.

Your plants look fine.


Let them grow bro, they look fine.

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“Mn sparks the photosynthesis process by splitting water after Photosytem II fixes light to initiate the conversion of CO2 and water into carbohydrates.”

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Time to find out if John Kempf is a fucking arrogant dipshit piece of garbage moron, or if all the Cannabis consultants who have wasted millions of growers dollars on retarded fucking CalMagesque buttfuck faggotry are. Anyone want to take bets? In between your fungicide and sweetener applications that is? If anyone has time and money to place a bet, with all the fucking wasted time and money provided by the Cannabis community?

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You gonna folier or feed to roots ?
How much you gonna use ie striength of application ?

Do you spend a lot of time looking at your plants? It happens to me that the more time I spend in the grow looking at them, the more strange things I see :joy:, but my friends see them as perfect… I see your plants very happy, very well, perfect.

What is your elemental Mn set at?

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IMHO I think you need to top dress with a good dose of LITFA again just my HO :smiley:

Bro… calm down… try to attempt to speak as if we are all friends… and not seem so aggressive :thinking: just a thought… if you want my opinion… I am guessing a chlorine def. Because plants use it… and I used to see it when I used strict ro water… after moving to partial tap (100 ppm ) i no longer have it… then again maybe something other than chlorine

What I posted below seems way more accurate!!


What u think about this @ifish ? As my ph was alwayyyyys high as shit… maybe this is what his deal is also?? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/veinal-chlorosis.679374/&ved=2ahUKEwioydvki5j6AhWzkYkEHdahAM8QFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw28kjfZQwdQkekWZAJfUiL2

Personally, I would not worry a bunch about a manganese def. until a few weeks before flower.
That is if you really have one.

Manganese is needed more in flowering.
This is good stuff!
I currenly use the powder, but may buy this next round.
Used to be available in powder, but now you pay to ship water…LOL

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