White powdery mildew, what do I do?

Thanks for all that, Hope I didn’t get too carried away… it’s just that getting rid of this shit is a tad exciting!

Someone posted a soluble sulfur product. Of course I forgot to write it down… could someone share the link?

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@TestOfOath has been having problems with this. He has a good page. A lot of very interesting stuff on there. Test of oath happy place. I like his methods the best. For someone that I believe is new at this he is a good hand. He does a lot of investigating. There’s a lot of research going on over there.

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Like for ironing clothes? That’s a first for me hearing that .

It kill’s spider mites. Spiders… it hardens up they can’t move they die. It washes off.

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Don’t have a big red book of growing but I’ll store that info away in my notes. Thanks


I don’t have one either. I know about the stuff from being a kid. Growing up on the farm. I’m no pro I make mistakes every day. I just like to try to help. My methods may not be the best. Some of you have been around a long time know a lot more than I do. I have been doing it a long time also.


I’ll agree to disagree on that one.That copper spray is working pretty good so far.The neem oil burned my last shit up and it took 2 weeks to recover.


I couldn’t buy fox farm soil this summer. No bat guano for flowering. No earthworm castings. Much more. Luckily i had foresight and had stocked up


Its not working. I’ve tried. Mildew comes back on the same leaves in a few days. Maybe if I upped the concentration of my neem spray it would do more, but any stronger and the leaves don’t like it. Neem has been my go to for a long time.

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If it’s working for you that is fine these products do not work for everyone. The research I did I didn’t see anything good about it. I was even in a another form talking about it no one had anything good to say about it. If it works for you great they do make good products

I’ve had to cut my Rh down. I’ll leave the fans on all the time. Even my exhaust fans. @TestOfOath I seen was using UV lights. I do believe this is right. I could have miss read his topic. I am not able to use any sprayable products but one. Because I am using @BudBusterPro . I do top the soil. I will spray them down. But I have other things in it when I do it. I’ll add potassium and sometimes hydrogen peroxide. That is one thing I have not had a problem with is mold. I have had rh to high. Got scared and pulled stuff early. I hate to see someone lose their time and money and especially a bad grow because of problems. It is heartbroken. I hope you can get it figured out I was just trying to give some suggestions. I had that same problem a few years ago. I had to go to Home Depot and get everything. I could not find any containers at all. I wasn’t gonna pay $10 for a 2 gallon container. I got to say FoxFarm is pretty good. You stick to that feeding chart add what you can past your base nutrients you’ll get some nice big fat nugs. The Ching Chang open Sesame whatever the names of those synthetic flower boost it works. It gets a little hot especially when you flush. Sledge hammer has kelp in it it holds those nutrients in it’s a good product.


Very strange but my relative humidity has been running 30%. I can’t fathom how it’s possible for this stuff to keep growing with such low moisture levels. There is always a fan going. I have electric Heat. You would think it would be very inhospitable for powdery mildew @hemp.


It thrives below 40% or above 60%, goal is 40-60 or a solution that prevents its forming.
Trust me, buy Cease, you will not regret it if you are going to lose alot.


I can easily raise my relative humidity. I thought the lower the better for p.m. thanks for that info, It will be helpful. I’ll check out that Cease product, but I already have sulfur on the way.


Sulfur added to your soil/plants will help in future. Sulfur added through soil is safe per say as long as not to high. 2% max of nutes. But just read about the sulfur being as important in plant development as magnesium. The Soil Food Web community has adapted protocols for sulfur, they are showing it is missing a great deal in soil recipes. Good Luck Bud, let me know what,how and if?

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I agree I’m having the same problem. 37%. To be honest with you I cannot say that I didn’t see something earlier. I’m running electric heat also. I got plenty of fresh air coming in. My temperature has dropped some down around 68°F a few times. I know tonight is going to be cold. I do notice when I use organics I tend to have a little bit more of a moldy smell in my tents. I have wondered sometimes do they sweat at night and then when you turn the lights on it makes a little white spots I’m not real sure of that. I did put some down a few runs ago because of white spots. Was it mold I’m not sure. But that copper spray I did look into that is supposed to be good. But for what we do I read that it wasn’t. I don’t want to give bad advice. I try and spray them down when they’re young. I think that’s very important in the beginning. I did do some a while back that had black mold. But I was able to get rid of it.

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I still vote for Dr zymes… or purecrop 1