White powdery mildew, what do I do?

I’ve never heard of some of these products. I’ll have to look that one up. It may sound stupid but it one time it was hard to find out about the stuff. Sometimes stuff is a little bit more difficult to get. Seeds are new to me. I have a lot to learn I appreciate the stuff you’re talking about.


Let’s do a group buy of a bottle of Cease!
I’ll divide it up and mail out!

what is the protocol to eradicate mildew from your grow using dr zymes? in previous iterations it seemed you had to keep spraying it or else it came back.


I read 9 parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide. Spray them down with the solution to clean and remove it. @Rukus

Yah what we are looking for here is a guaranteed way to eradicate mildew. If it doesn’t work for some people using the right protocol, then it is a fail. That’s why I keep repeating the protocol like a broken record, at least if someone reads it and does it, then the mildew is for sure dead and never coming back.


I don’t know… I have only read others grow logs on the product being used… but both are supposedly very good … I’d use pure crop 1… unless in flower … if flowering I’d go with Dr zymes and make it a tad stronger than recommended for sure eradication

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unfortunately, that doesn’t help. The sulfur killing method is very clear and explicit, in the steps you have to take in order to kill it forever. I have never heard a dr zymes protocol for extermination.


The people re-getting it or not eradicating it probably are getting it again and again from their surroundings or from them somehow… I feel like when it doesn’t work it’s the users error

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Have you read about the plants needing the same amount of sulfur in plant nutes as magnesium.?

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Sulfur is definitely an essential element for growing plants. Some people add magnesium sulfate aka epsom salts.

The humidity has no effect on the colony. It needs one thing to survive: the host plant.

I’m confused… what’s the correlation between the 2?

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oh that wasn’t mildew related. So can you find anyone interested in doing a dr zymes trial? They don’t even sell it in my country.

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U can get it on Amazon… right??

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ahhh definitely not.

A lot of the chemical is banned in Canada .


I tried that last summer. Lost some terpenes( in flower), and it only worked a few days. Kept coming back.

@Astrodude so i looked up Cease, and discovered it is the product formerly know as serenade, discontinued in 2018, and apparently, reborn. Same bacteria strain used, QST 713. Being familiar with serenade, its not so good for a wet climate, too expensive with constant reapplication after a rain or several dews. Works ok for stem rot, not so much for bud rot unless you buy a ton of it and use as a preventative. Might work better in a grow room, but last summer PM on my Moroccan came back despite repeated Serenade sprayings. Maybe it was old Serenade? Thought i bought it last year, but in a small town it might have collected dust for awhile, who knows.


Damn… if I had some I’d just mail it to ya but I don’t have any yet

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Yeah I won’t argue for it, it is only if you have a lot to lose.
At the farm I was at my buddy used Dr. Bronners Peppermint Soap and Neem Oil everday. The whole place reaked of it. He runs a brand bottle regimen from california. He started using Foop two years ago and it works well. No matter what he does in last five years, OctoPots indoors, Big holes outdoors with mowed grass growing around plants, not many problems, mold or pests, why to me is the Dr Bronners and Neem Oil, He adds molasses, worm/bat shit tea and we spray it on everything with it. Only thing thats been consistent in equation.


Thats the ticket. Hit them before there is an issue and there won’t be one.