Who adds molasses to their crop?

I haven’t the slightest idea about using seawater

But salinity would be a major concern

I do use some of my own piss when something needs some quick N

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Please remind me never to ask you for a clone… HAHAHAHA!

Just busting balls man! Thanks for your reply!

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Yes they can be. 20 characters.

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Make sure it’s unsulphered molasses. Blackstrap molasses is best if you can find it. I also use it at a tsp per gallon, with my weekly tea. Plants seem to love it. Just don’t use it to close to harvest and make sure you flush good. I find that if I use it too late into flower, that all my buds have this generic sweet taste that I don’t much like. But yes, it’s a very good food source for bacteria. For a fungal food I suggest kelp or humics. A mixture of kelp and molasses is what I find works best. Happy growing. :four_leaf_clover:


I used it outdoors a few years back and in my small indoor grow, feeds the soil, adds some nice sugars and magnesium calcium iron and potassium. I know it didnt hurt them but I have a very limited number of successful grows under my belt so little to judge on…

I know some fertalizers are derived from it, and some are just a fancy bottles with water and pretty much molasses :money_with_wings: kiss it goodbye


yes unsulphured blackstrap molasses… good source of calcium, magnesium, iron etc and mycos love it


I use grandmas molasses origanl


I use it, especially during late flower. Toward the end of the plants’ life cycle their roots tend to hoard all the exudates that feed the soil microorganisms. This can leave them “dormant” if they don’t have enough energy to multiply. Adding some molasses in theory should help wake things up that have slowed down. Large organic molecules like sucrose/glucose/fructose can not be taken up directly by plants, instead they are made through photosynthesis using co2 and water.

I have my eyes on a microscope would be really cool to actually look super close up at the growing media and really see whats going on in there.


I use it a folier spray once a week along with kelp meal

I use this in my reservoirs: FloraNectar

On the GH website it states:

FloraNectar is formulated with molasses and essential minerals to deliver numerous benefits for both plants and soil. It offers an ideal food source for beneficial microorganisms, increasing their growth rate to boost soil respiration.

The beneficial process of respiration releases carbon dioxide from the soil so that plants can use this naturally occurring chemical compound for growth.


The sulfur (sulfates) is what you want for terp production, the sugars for microbes.


And what is a good way to provide sulfates to the soil bro?

The blackstrap molasses or, sulfured molasses.

I also use pilloncillo. Don’t remember what its called there, basically just dried sugar cane juice.

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Sugar Daddy by Technaflora has some of those i think right!? Do you know?

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I love sugar daddy!!! I have used it for years.

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Nice, i got some from the Recipe for Success Kit… Thanks for your time brother!

No problem! Now knowing that sulfar/sulfates increases terps, with hydroponic fertilizers, chemistry is involved.

You have nitrates( nitrogen) and sulfates. So, if you need potassium later in flower, and don’t want to add nitrogen plus you want sulfur for terps, You can add one thing that gives you both, potassium sulfate. Most of the macros are available in more than one form, so you can mix and match sulfates and nitrates to customize your formula.

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Sounds kinda of advanced for me now, but i promise you in a day not so far away, it will be like riding a bike. Thanks to all of you of course. I couldn’t have done it without OG.

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I usually add a tsp of molasses and a full tablespoon of pure coconut water to each gallon of water. But some times I skip every other time for the molasses. I get my molasses from a local home brew shop unsulphured (still has sulfur just not as much). I feed my soil not the plant, lol.

makes em pray every time.


I use blackstrap molasses unsulfered. To get sulfates I use Epsom salt.
Molasses can also be used to flush, but like someone mentioned above it can give you a generic sweet taste. To fix that use it at the very beginning of the flush (first couple of gallons) and water the rest. Or if you like me and flush for two weeks, use it as first flush then water for the remainder.