Who has grown autos?

The mixed reviews of the crank trimmers because diff strains might work better depending on how they grow and such or diff designs/companies? Mix of the two? Or result of just being more or less tolerant of a perfect trim? Anyone here personally used one?

since its always been scissors for me, I can’t speak from experience…

But when I look at them, and reverse engineer, and look at videos of their processes, between bowl-style and trommel style, I think its alot of preference on trim style. Bowl trims always look super fluffy, like lots of sugar leaves left on, compared to the more expensive pro / trommel style. And I think tumbling buds in the trommel is more gentle than the finges in the bowls. I’d love to try one out, but sadly nobody I know has one or grows, I’m lucky to get friends who trim for the shake.

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My wife worked in a sewing factory when she was young. She has all kinds of sewing gadgets and let me use these scissors for trimming. I have to repoert. The hands do not get tired near as quick. You just put your ring finger in the loop and used the scissor with a tiny pinching motion. It really works well. They are made by gingher and are kind of expensive but I am sure Amazon has cheaper knockoffs.


i like the look of those… reminds me of japanese trimmers…

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Adjustable tension. Nicely spring loaded. You can go thru buds like Pac-Man eating dots. Pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch…………