Who likes to Canoe or Kayak? (*But not necessarily for fishing)

100% it’s only fair.

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Well beer cans can be destroyed by a night in the fire. But not tuna or bean cans.

Condoms…well, we save those.

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Many prime kayaking areas on lake Superior have been ruined also. The worst is that they now allow pontoon boat rentals.

Those assholes are by far the worst. It’s like the louder you play the music, the better. The more trash and beercans you leave behind the better, the more freaking obnoxious the better.

These people cut across beaches nearly hitting people, and act like its their personal drunken playground/landfill.

Nothing is more infuriating than hiking the north country trail, coming across the deaignated camping areas near dusk, and seeing your spot covered in shards of broken beer bottles and dog shit everywhere.

“Hell is other people” - Jean Paul Sartre



What kind of a fool brings glass bottles to the beach?

I didn’t portage 16km to listen to your fucking Duran Duran at full volume.

True story - I once got in a fight with someone at an adjacent campsite for blasting lil Wayne at 2am.

Ugh. I’m frustrated because I want to go, but there’s nowhere to go. It’s sad really. The only thing left is to be crammed in assholes to elbows at a provincial park.

But I did camp at a friends farm which was kind of nice. Not wilderness, but nice.

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Set up a tent in my yard! :rofl:

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Plenty of room out west… come on over for a trip.

One advantage to paddling rivers with rapids is that there is a hard limit even jet boats can’t handle…

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I guess I’m lamenting a particular kind of back country experience. Provincial park camping can be fun too but it’s not the same thing.

I went to a park that had a “back country area.” It was a 50 meter walk away from the rest of the park so it was secluded and pretty nice.

One of the best camping experiences of my life is when I went to Algonquin in March by myself and I asked the permit lady “is there anybody else out there?” She smiled and said “nope, just you and a ranger.”

Cold and damp and secluded and perfect. And big animals rummaging outside the tent in the middle of the night.


I want to buy a new kayak.
For 2 people.
You guys have some opnion or indication?
What i need to know?
This kayak is for one normal people and one paraplegic.
Is good a ama?


I would think it should be fine as long as you respect the weight limits of whatever you get.

But I’d also pick my moments, flat water vs rapids etc.

Best of luck.


That is a good question I dont feel qualified to answer but I can contact someone who would. I am more of a canoe guy. Let me get back to you in a day or so.


Thank u so much @TopicalWave
You can send a pm for me.
I really appreciate what you gonna do for me.

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Last time I went kayaking I was 18 visiting my grandma in newfoundland, up by Saint Anthony. Moose chased me like halfway down the river. Motherfuckers are scary.


Ok so I dug back to 2003 in some photo albums when we did the Upper Stikine River in Northern BC. It is separated by the Lower Stikine by the Grand Canyon of the Stikine… basically one giant waterfall of water in a huge canyon. Only the most experienced kayakers in the world attempt to how through the canyon. The trip started in the Spatsizi Platuea was up high on a small and braided river.

I vividly remember the weather at this really high altitude was really strange. It would literally change for pouring to sun and we were treated with a double rainbow at our first camp. It gets cold at night at that altitude and the mornings were often misty.

All the moose I have came across have been friendly.

A friends father and possibly Christ reborn.

You can see the river is much larger closer to the canyon…

A bunch of studs… myself included! :muscle:

Just one of the trips that defined my childhood.


A man who doesn’t use money to add up his wealth, is doing right in my book. Enjoy it.

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Damn, looks beautiful. Also looks like a place I probably be eaten by a bear.

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@vinny_verde Yes I feel very blessed to have the life I do. Too many people measure their worth by the amount of money they have. There are much more important things to a happy life IMO. Health, friends and mental strength come to mind.

@Mantis Yes there a a LOT of bears out way out in the bush. Most of the black bears I would see on the trip were absolutely terrified of us… Im not sure they had encountered humans before. Grizz on the other hand… we have had a few of them in camp.

Here are some more pictures from the summer of '01. We did the Racing River, the Trout, and the Liard in the Yukon. Not as many good pictures from this trip as it was raining almost all the time. I was miserable when I was out there, but now it is one of the trips I look back on most fondly. Its true what they say that hardship truly brings people together.




awesome…did you build out the bike?

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Mostly a friend did it, work trade!

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