Who uses Dr. Earth dry amendments?

Organics I water about every 4-5 days, tea every 2 weeks


Personally I start mine all and let em chill in 3 gallon till they show preflowers then off to a 10 gallon if they are fems which is usually about 4-6 weeks, roots have usually filled the pots at that point so to throw them in flower with no root stretch Iā€™d feel would be shooting yourself in the foot, if ur trying to stay minimal then maybe throw em in at least a 5 gallon for a week or two then flip if your trying to stay close to a 6 week veg mark. If they are autos, get em in their final container in first few days of life and keep em there start to finish, autos and transplants are bad news with that plants built in timer

One thing I canā€™t stress enough going organic vs nutes though is yields are gonna be much smaller since organics is a slower drawn out process. Iā€™ve seen the nutes guys getting 9 oz off their plants in the same time Iā€™ve only got maybe an oz off a plant. BUUUUT the organics hands down is gonna be the smoother, stronger, and more flavorful smoke.

I personally donā€™t sell and I grow strickly for quality over yield and can honestly brag I grew better than anything the dispensary has to offer in my area with my organics method and a greenhouse for ideal environment. So to get an oz off a plant of top shelf donā€™t bother me, but to some it might if looking for quantity.


I like down to earth a lot more and the price seems to be better per pound.


I have the Dr. Earth as individual packages, the brown boxes. I like to blend my own over a pre packaged deal.
I use salts fertilizers at times with organics.
Iā€™ve no belief in organics is better than salts, or salts are better then organics, or better than premade bottled fertilizers.
The reaction time from adding organics to feeding roots is a bit slower. And why Iā€™ll supplement a salt dose to them when/if needed.
After I plant in my mix, I know I need to add in 4-6 weeks.
I like up-potting my plants, I like to inspect the roots, smell them, see how white they are.
Finding the right amount for the pot size took some wrangling.
I use basically in a 4 inch pot a tablespoon of blended organics is perfect.
A 1 gallon pot, 3-4 tablespoons will be fine.
3 gallon pot 1/3rd to 1/2 cup with be fine.
My 10 gallon pots, up to a cup of blended organics works well.
My medium is a combo, or coco husks, large chunk perlite, a 30lb bag of worm compost, and usually a 30lb bag of lobster/seafood compost.
Then my organic blend, 8-10 cups.
I shovel it into a dedicated Rubbermaid trash, pour in a gallon of tea, cover and let rest.
So many ways, experiment and find your path, just like radiation, there is not a speck of difference to man made radiation over the sunā€™s generated radiation.
Same with feeding roots, they do not care, they will take a food value from where they get it. Organic grown vegetables have zero difference to salt grown vegetables.
Just my $.02

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Whatā€™s the notable differences in the ingredients? I chose Dr earth cuz living in small town areas itā€™s easily accessible at Lowes, home Depot, tractor supply, etc canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever seen down to earth on any of the shelves

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Canā€™t say I agree. Iā€™ve seen pros and cons to both. Never came across any salt grown that had the deep smooth full flavor with rich terps like organics, not saying itā€™s bad smoke, just no where near as ā€œrichā€ even seen both methods grown side by side with same cultivars and hands down organic was the better smoke but the salt nutes guys were getting more than quadruple the weight and plants were way more vigorous, so I see green grass on both sides of the fence. Sounds like your a hybrid organic/nute methods and u have a very interesting approach and method. Itā€™s like your plant is in the hospital getting hospital food with a feeding tube in itā€™s arm to supplement the difference lol although I agree that your methods likely do wonderful I canā€™t say Iā€™m sold on thereā€™s no difference in the end harvest


Some people like to tinker/have the ability to tinker. Dte allows more tinkering than Dr Earth does.


Dr earth brown boxes ? Or down to earth brown boxes. I know down to earth is brown boxes. I use down to earth 4-4-4 vegetable garden and bunch of extra amendments like mykos ,kelp rock dust ewc etc. And malted barley.


Are these side by side guys you speak of hiring? I can beat any hydro yield x2 with tap water and 15 gallon pots.

Organics is not slow. People who grow organic tend to be anti science though.

Letā€™s keep the focus on the subject ā€œDr. Earth amendmentsā€ā€¦

No need to repeat the same old hydro vs. organics discussion.


Getting ready to up pot from the solos in the 4x4

Got some ewc and a few other random things in there. These are 3 gallon if they are all females theyā€™ll stay in 3 gallons haha. These are Velcro bottoms for easier up potting

Been using Dr earth for a couple grows and still getting used to the change from salts.

Iā€™ve also started scooping old dried pine needles and layering it on the top just like I found it. Sometimes I see white fuzz underneath when I peel it off the ground and I tell myself thatā€™s probably Mycorrhiza


I am a wild advocate for DR Earth products.You will save hundreds on a 14 dollar bag and they inoculate with oodles of microbes.Thier mixes last almost 3 months in soil when mixed properly and they make excellent teas with a halftsp of molasses cooked in overnight


Those are the marry bags from gardzen right? How u been liking em? They hold the soil together well throwing em on the next container? Have u though about a wedding cake grow stacked with each size? Iā€™d do it and use wedding cake as the strain just for kicks

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very cool reusing the old pine needles. Do they shift the pH down much?


Outta likes but ya I really like them. The mesh on the bottom is really well made same as the Velcro and heavy duty. Iā€™ve used them several times without any problems.

Honestly I wouldnā€™t know as I never test my soil but from what I understand they shouldnā€™t as the pine needles are not green they are brown.


Also these were in 3 gallon marry pots in 5 gallons fabric pots. I only have the 3 gallon ones so 1 stack limit but they do have others sizes obviously.

The one on the right was already chopped. The 5s werenā€™t even that full tho.


I have the 5 gallon ones just never used em or stacked em lol

I use this faithfullyā€¦along with build a soilcraft blendā€¦that shit rocks. Veg to harvest.


I have not been doing it lately because Iā€™m just to busy but I used to make liquid plant crack by putting a mix of earth worm castings ,barley and dr earth in a filter bag and then letting that brew with some molasses for 48 hours with plenty of air-stones at the bottom and a small pump to circulate the water.
Might have to start doing that again at least for the flower period.
When most people were running three part synthetics on there hydro tables I was using highly filtered compost teas and getting better results.