Who uses Dr. Earth dry amendments?

Did you ever see how nice the froth is the next morning?I was adding a teaspoon of a product called plant Probiotics(Powdered Microbes) and a half a teaspoon of molasses and 2 heaping cups of good quality ECW to a 5 gallon batch bubbled with a airstone nothing huge an aquarium one for 24 hours always gets the girls going and the next morning the batch is sparkling and foaming with life.The whole rim of bucket gets coated.It gets this sweet earthy funky smell like Old man’s breath with forest floor .I don’t strain I just water and mix as I go the rest of the feed ends up as a sort of a top dress that just dissolves back into the dirt.Plant crack I was making it the whole time I feel like a rebel


That’s exactly how you want it to smell , earthy and sweet and yea the foam is neat but can be a issue if not accounted for lol


Try it with Saponins lol like some shit off a I love Lucy episode

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Het rooted sorry I just saw your question, it is Down To Earth, thank you for noticing, my error!!
Must be old guy syndrome, on my part.

Wanna really turn that method into plant crack? Throw some blended aloe leaves in there next time you do it. That’s def one of the most effective ways I kicked up my game! So much good stuff in aloe!


Hello @Jamescoldflame! Been thinking about ordering a bag of the build-a-soil craft blend when I get my tax refund. I already have the Dr. Earth Tomato, all purpose, and the Bloom dry amendments. Can I ask how your using them with the build a soil? Are you using them as a top dressing and at how many tablespoons or whatever a gallon? Are you top dressing every two weeks? Sorry to ask so many questions. 🥹

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Sup bro, yeah I usually mix my soil 1-1-1 ratio organic potting mix-peat-perilite. When mixing I add a cup or 2 of dr earth all purpose 1 cup per 10 gal of mix… if I have enough I’ll add half that of craft blend…if not I’ll just use the base with the all purpose…I’ll plant in that and feed just water…and when plants seem to be using up the all purpose added…I’ll top dress with all purpose /or craft blend at a tbl spoon per gal if I have enough craft blend. If I’m running low on craft blend I’ll just top dress every other wk with all purpose and then use craft blend at flower…I try to atleast top dress with craft blend a few times in veg to get those goodies in the soil. But the dr earth has macro and micro…so it’ll do. It’s not is pretty even…which is what you want low and even… this has gotten me all the way from start to harvest. With damn good results… maybe not super huge yields…but definitely not lacking quality :v:t5:


Just finished a run of Dr Earth liquid fertilizer in 7x7 square pots.
3thirteen Seeds testers.

Next run will be dry amendments only.:metal:


Thanks man! Quality over quantity always! I was looking at the build a soil 3.0 soil blend but, it’s a little pricey. I’ll just go the amended soil route. You wouldn’t happen to have any experience with the epsoma brand organic potting mix? It’s the only brand I see available in my area. It already has kelp, alfalfa, worm castings, blood and bone meal added. Don’t want to add more and make it to hot. Thanks for getting back to me. Much appreciated.

That’s what I’m talking about! Let us know how they smoke. :fire:

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I really like espomas plant tone fertilizer always use it when mixing soil but not a huge fan of there soil its not the worst though. One of the cheapest-best soil mix I have made was with peat perlite plant tone and roots organic uprising bloom but I usually and a bunch of single ingredientes with them.


I gotta ask why ur choosing this mix?
Organic potting mix is already usually 25%-33%peat, 25%-33% perlite and 33%-50%compost. So to add more peat and perlite in equal amounts to the mixture of the 3 is just diluting down the compost which is main feed of your soil and might be part of the cause of your lower yields. If u just replaced the organic potting mix with a compost of some kind whether it be steer or mushroom(personal fav) you would save ur self money ($3 a bag vs $20+) and likely have better results for more media your microbes can feast on, peat and perlite doesn’t provide anything but water retention and drainage/aeration.

You were so damn close to building ur own soil I’m scratching my head why buy bagged :person_facepalming::thinking:

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Since soil building seems to have come up in this thread, imma leave this here Im hopes that it helps others grow on a budget building their own with Dr earth as the microbe/feed package


For sure :metal:

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There’s a lot of stuff I agree with in this thread, thanks for posting it. I’ve tended to notice that anything marketed towards marijuana growers is going to be a higher price than something equivalent marketed at other types of growing. The doctor Earth amendments will probably suit you just as well as expensive, marijuana marketed amendments. The post above that had the ingredients listed, and the ratios for amending your soil, is all you really need to know to answer your primary question.


See, the potting soil I use is made in the southeast, from mostly Forrest floor material…which has a sorta clumpy, twiggy texture, not nearly enough perilite. I actually use compost, just not all the time in the mix,(teas sometimes) I was explaining how I use the dr earth, and craft blend together…which make no die hard need for compost… might I add I’ve used just compost, perilte, peat mix…same dr earth, and craft blend, pretty much the same results…I use that first mix cause well
… it works. I’m familiar with making my own soil mix, I started Organics with the Rev and tlo until I found out that I don’t have to be so extreme.:v:t5: