Who's nuts for Peanuts?!?

So a friend of mine on her and I have decided to do a peanut grow off, despite his obvious advantage of being several degrees of latitude lower than I (or so i think), this challenge does not deter me…will it you??

Neither of us have started indoors as suggested as this was a kinda last moment thing, the planting date is the may long weekend. I will be planting Virginia, he will be doing Valencia…

Anyone else want in on this fun competition?


Hey, you have better soil than me, fuckin’ Reveen.

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Are ya talkin bout USA’s Virginia State n Spain’s Valencia city?.. Cos I think have the same latitude, or even Valencia city is a little Northern than Virginia State…


They’re planting them in my neck of the woods now… 1000’s of acres of them… they’ll be ready in late September early October… just so y’all are on the same page… the nuts grow under the ground on roots like small potatoes… the plants do bloom and get pollinated… they do grow pretty deep… the plant above the ground doesn’t get very tall somewhere around 12 inches tall.


…uhhh…i’ve been considering growing tobacco for my use… :wink: :smoking:
crazytown prices these days. all that does is create a black market. dummies. (the man, not y’all).



I like goobers, but I ain’t never tried growin’

I’m gonna watch this here thread.


They used to grow peanuts were I went to college. We used to drive out to the peanut fields, get high, and search for aliens. :thumbsup: :alien:


I plant / have planted peanuts all my life…also rice on the plantation…love some cajun boiled pnuts…dont forget to add alot of land plaster to the top for an abundance of pnuts…and lots of calcium


Why would one add plaster of Paris? Not sure if you’re kidding or if you’re actually serious. Any other advice for us?

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No my phone auto corrected and i was being rushed…it was supposed to say land plaster to keep the soil very soft…makes a huge difference in your yield…also calcium is a big deal…sorry for not proof reading


So it turns out the lady at my seed store was incorrect about the variety so the two of us will be growing the Valencia variety

@MiG we’re both in Canada but I’m at 53.5 Latitude and @Scissor-Hanz is approx 10 degrees further south.


You have to be careful growing peanuts, you might become POTUS, it happens you know…


i’m at 49.9 degrees north. @2tokejoke what is land plaster? never heard this expression… so i guess you need to plant in the ground for lots of space if they grow underground?


…I’m only at 45N
So far, @dgtxxx is the king of the North. :snowflake:


cool maybe i’ll grow some peanuts… are you guys growing from seed or starts? i also want to grow catnip. @cannabissequoia are you canadian? cigarettes are about $20 a pack where i live.


Seeds, from OSC. :+1:
$20 cigrits’? Don’t the native reserves sell $4 packs up there? I have Delgold and Virginia varieties, if you want to grow your own :wink:


I just bought my seeds today, will plant in about a week or 2 depends what we decide on. I am doing mine in containers as an experiment, Ive got about 50 3 gal.

I aslo bought some asparagus roots today but read I cant harvest any till next year. Along with some elephant garlic and pure red flesh and pure purple flesh potatoes


Gypsum…is correct…make a large raised hill just like planting potatoes…plant your seed …we always added gypsum a month later around the the side and top of hills…you get alot more and alot larger formed peanuts with this whole method…

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DaaaYAM. 20$US ? about 1/2 that here in CA for premium. Countin my carcinogenic blessings…


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