Why are my leaves pointing all over the place?

I’ve done loads of experiments on autos for the last 2 lol lights heating stress tests

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Why be the only moron to complain on a troll thread?

Twas rhetorical, asshat, I have no interest in further discourse with the likes of you.

Sorry for the off topic discussion OP. I should have probably left it alone.


This is Frikkin Sciense Irish, you just get lucky all the time, again and again, it’s not fair to the Scientisticals…lol

You learn a lot of shit sitting on your ass for a year durning lockdown :rofl:

Why is it a troll thread because someone is wondering what’s up with their plants…
People like to try help each other out on this page ,this ain’t the old Overgrow


Only positive comments. HUNTER
Internet Attitudes only show muscles people can’t see.

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Wow, another person who speaks as though there not in the room with you.

I have no time for you

Old overgrow here, find a way to be nice @hunter or I’ll bite.
Are you a scientistical or just play one here?


How do you block people on this page,hunter why you delete the shit talk comments you made their about me bitching about getting ripped off…man up and leave it there

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Go to preferences in your account. Then users tab. Then ignore…forever. I already muted that clown.


I don’t mind a bit of shit talk,but don’t be deleting it after saying it man up,anywayz his getting blocked lol


Try raising the lights up to 24 inchas, that may help with the light stress.

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Moved em back up a bit and they seem happier. Still getting this spotting on the leaves tho that looks a lot like phosphorus deficiency but that’s just impossible at the rates I’ve been feeding phosphorus and the same with cal mag.