New growth yellowing

Okay first off yes I know a picture is worth a thousand words. I wasn’t even going to post this yet until I had my picture but it is definitely racking my brain. I watered/fed my plants on Monday. All the new growth at the top is starting to yellow. I did end up getting a new light which I know is stronger than the one that I had in there. Not sure exactly 100% what my problem is I will post pictures up later tonight. I’m growing soilless and have had Cal mag deficiencies in these plants so I had been giving them Cal mag I believe it was too much instead of one teaspoon I was giving them three teaspoons. Not sure if this is the issue or if it’s something else. For now I have raised the light thinking possibly throwing too much at her too close I do not have a par meter. It almost looks like when I first got my magnesium deficiency but I had it under control. My runoff is between 5.8 and 6.2. growing in cloth pots 5 gallon.

Just trying to get some ideas rolling around I will get pictures up when I get home tonight


I notice in the summer my plants look more yellow at the bottom and unwell because of the heat. I also noticed I was drowning the root ball and causing extra yellowing . Water lightly and keep the room cool as possible for summer you should see a happier plant


New growth yellow and the leaves pointing down, but stiff to the touch, not sloppy?

Then I’m 99% sure it’s the light, I run mine at the lowest dimmed setting always.


I know they’re not sloppy that’s for sure I’m not sure if they’re pointing down at this point I’m going to be home within the next hour I’ll definitely get a picture up.

I kind of feel like this would be a good place to start as I just put the light in on Saturday and it’s way better than the other one and I had it in the same position I went from a bloom Plus to a AC Infinity

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@Rogue is Correct.New light that throws out more lumens +Pouty leaves pointing to the ground like a dog that just did something wrong and yellow throughout the leaves of the plant = Light stress.Lower the intensity and raise up the light a touch if you can she should pop back in about a week and green back up.We all get these new Led lights that smoke the older lights and we forget how strong they really are with the reflection from the shiny tents that we squeak into just because the light isn’t as hot as an HPS dont mean its not as powerful or even more powerful .My light is almost the size of my whole 4x4 its a Chinese hyphoton flux light 600watt Nothing fancy has some nice osrams in it and i can barely run the tent in veg over 30% .Full flower i can get it to 70% 90 is over kill and cooks the shit out of them and i hang my light at least 3 feet above in veg and i stop at a foot and a half in flower and bend tops down.Good thing is you can run your light at a third of the power and still grow badass plants and the lifespan of that light just doubled by halving the intensity.Food for thought


That would make tremendous sense as I had it maybe four to five inches maybe six at the max LOL


I raised it up this morning before I went to work and in my mind it definitely looks better already


Thier losing the pout thats a great start.Dont worry and keep that light up a bit and turned down a touch and you will get the feel for it over time these will bounce back nicely.We all have murdered plants so dont feel bad.If someone says they haven’t it thier 100%full of shit.You’ll do fine


Had my light at 50 percent lowered to 30 and moved it up way higher thanks bro. I appreciate the shit out of you!!

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As your flower time increases and they grow in flower raise the intensity with the plants as they fill in till you hit that sweet spot the buds like

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I sincerely don’t see that light stress icon_e_confused|nullxnull, my guess is that an excess of Calcium and Magnesium has blocked Potassium … beer3|nullxnull


I was a bit worried that all the Cal mag was a bit Overkill I didn’t realize I was giving it a tablespoon versus a teaspoon until a little bit ago. Should I ease off on the Cal mag for a few waterings or do you think a full flush is in order?


I think a full flush as a reset is a good place to start, maybe your Cal Mag deficiency came because of your pH being too low, try to higher a bit to see if it helps … beer3|nullxnull

Hydroponic pH chart


Okay. I was under the impression that I had a Cal mag deficiency because I was using RO water and soilless

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With RO you should add those trace minerals but in the correct proportion :sweat_smile:, sorry for the joke, your plants don’t look that bad and I am sure they will proper recover … beer3|nullxnull

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Lol thanks bud!! Ya I need to stick to my guns and I actually read my bottles a few times to memorize them or make myself a God damn chart sometimes I get too stoned before I go down there :joy:

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I seen calmag do this to plants. Could be trying to lock.
Fertilome chelated iron will unlock nute lock. Even out your green color and help plants recover.

I used Fertilome chelated iron mixed with hydrogen peroxide to kill a plant virus that was appearing for 2 generations. It’s gone permanently now.

This was how leaves looked below. All over the plant. Many leaves way worse than that, as it got worse.
The mixture was bubbling. I sprayed the foliage and fed the soil for about 2 weeks. It fixed it 100% for harvest.

Second season I seen hardly any. Treated it one more time. 3rd season gone, 4th season gone. It’s one of the cuts I worked up to a stellar breeder.

Proof plants can learn and heal themselves without losing the genetics to history. Been growing 48 years.
At some point you just go full testing mode for the sake of all growers.

If you grew every year for 50 years, you only grow it 50 times. That’s not a lot of experience in reality. My life is how many harvest will I get in…before they plant me in a great big honey hole, what I grow my plants in :100::dove:



Now that’s growing

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