Why are my leaves pointing all over the place?

I’m using an HLG260 at 100 percent at 18 inches. Light stress is my diagnosis but I’d rather just leave it and see if they adapt. Otherwise I’m gonna plush but my ppm was only at 750 and I’m using phPerfect line with big bug and Sensi cal.

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I’m wondering if you have a PH issue.

They look fine to me…you’re just pushing your nutes…that’s the same thing I do…


I see purple petioles and copper blotches, could be Phosphorous deficiency … icon_e_confused|nullxnull



It’s a Purple Haze Auto so I’m thinking it may just be the genetics. You still think it could be phosphorus?

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Yeah I just did a final heavy defoliation last night too so it may just be mad about that lol

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Was just a guess, could be genetics as you say, autos are low feeders, I wouldn’t increase nutrients, did you check pH and ppm in runoff? :sunglasses:


Is this what OG has finally come down to? “EXpeRIenCe” growers that are experienced as a box of rocks.

You already know what is causing your issue, why are you looking elsewhere when you already diagnosed the problem? turn that light down.

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I appreciate the input but I’m probably gonna leave it lol.

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I never lower my lights for autos like I mean I’ve never lowered my light to 18” above the plant .

Now this is just me and I’m sure there’s a 100 ways to skin a cat
What I do with autos is germ the seeds on wet kitchen roll soon as I see a tap root into a solo cup,I don’t even put the solo cup in the tent till the seed breaks growing ,once it has some leaves I put it in a 3 gallon plastic pot,I have tried fiber pots it’s to messy for my setup.
And basically that’s it,let them do their thing I’ll trim them if they get to bushy but that’s it I have lights running 100% my my lights in the big tent only have 1 setting full lol
And I run them on 12-12 lighting. Been growing autos like this for 2 years

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I think she just woke up angry she seems cool now

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What light are u running an how close
Is that no more then 18 in or ?

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I’ve been using the same cheap Ebay lights for over 2 years lol

I use 2 of these in my big tent I keep the lights as high up as I can in the tent,it’s just
My style of growing works for
You just have to look at some of my growing photos,
You don’t have to spend a shit load of cash to grow weed
It’s called weed for a reason


See now I was 18 inches with a hlg scorpion diablo and only 1 strain so far didn’t like it
That’s Kyle kushmans grape ape .
Last nite when lights came on at nine they were lime green but perfect with a couple bleach spots. I knew I foliar with h16 an dont do it in tent. I lowered this 2 plants 2" an this morning there perfect.
So I was out of ideas ,an bam this morning before lights out they were beautiful

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I agree you can grow killer bud with a t5.
But I’m a different breed.

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Looks normal to me. But I’m sure some more experienced people will comment also .

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I too agree…

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Why be the only asshat on a thread asking for help / opinions.


I would have though 18/6 vs 12/12 for autos (closer to northern latitude day lengths) but I know you’ve had some nice yields under 12/12.

I really have to do a side x side grow for comparison. Hell yeah I’d love to cut 42 hours of lighting a week if I could!

lol cause it grows like one! :smiley:

That dude is a fuxking moron who ever he is,probably angry no one grows weed his style