Why do stressed hermies create herm seeds?

Whoa, so the seeds from the light stressed plant have been solid? How many have you tried?

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In theory, any female flower that self seeds will produce identical seeds whether it be stress related, natural herm, induced herm, etc. It’s not Lamarckian.


So far have tried 2 last season and 2 more this season (plus 2 that didn’t make it to sexing)
It wasn’t seedy like a breed run would be, just a couple seeds in most of the bigger buds.

The breed run I let go to maturity, those buds were 90% seed and almost nothing left to keep but fluff.
Are my genetics solid? Were the original genetics solid?

Original cross was a seed grown daddy and a dispensary clone female.
Have heard (rumors only) about the Lemon strain being finicky on stress induced problems.

Until I start getting males showing up (knock wood) will keep it in rotation as I like it better than some of the others and have many attempts to find a good one.

This was 2019 grow log at post where I put 2 in for root stock grafting that didn’t happen…
Those went full term to harvest and were the only ones (outside the original & clone) that have been done so far. But since last year went well I do have 2 about to go into flower this year also…


Reveging a couple of lower buds left on a harvested female clone is one of the most stressful conditions you can impose , this is a great test / tool to see how stable the mother truely is , for future breeding : )


That’s cool. Could be a good trick to self clone onlys that aren’t overly herm prone.

@ifish I’ve only revegged a couple plants and no signs of intersex so they must have been pretty solid


From what ive read in breeding books is that approximately 1 in 1000 females are what is known as a XX female. These are pure females that dont herm even when stressed. When one of these ladies is identified the breeders used the silver on them to make fem seeds. I still have never run fem seeds, nor have I found a XX female. I do have a few s1’s in my collection that are from stressed females. I am super reluctant to use them. Ive been chucking for 8 years, and (like many of you) have always dreamed of starting my own small company, but want to use only XX females. Could take a lifetime to find just one special lady, but it will be worth it. Nature always rewards the patient. Sorry for the long post, time for a bong hit!!


Exactly ! Those are the xx females.


How would you know it’s an XX? I guess the 999 out of 1000 carry a Y somewhere in their dna, meaning the ability to go herm is by nature’s design.


WHOA COWBOY…the theory is solid and when in nature the pollen would still fertilize the XX and therefore the plan falls apart!
I believe if under a fair amount of stress and its solid…its solid! A little light leak and you got 2 lbs of seeds well that kinda fkd things up dont ya think?
I got one going right now that i was wonder why they weren’t flowering…light leak…no hermies! Other strains would be popping balls…save for breeding with a true male if its really good if not…you suck!

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Some people here dropping so called knowledge with no proof of them even growing plants. No grow journals or anything. Its quite annoying.




Because they stress the plant several different ways to try to make it herm. When only chems (silver, etc) will cause a plant to reverse/herm it is deemed a xx female. These plants do not contain the y gene.

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Imagine if people hermied under stress :thinking:


I’ve turned into a crying little girl in a few situations :neutral_face:


As long as you don’t sprout an extra hole I think you will make it

If you do sprout an extra hole I fear you might starve to death in a closet somewhere :wink:


Maybe not hermie but birth defects etc


Lack of cytokinins, iaa, ethylene, or abundance of ga3 (stretchy monocious hemp) via dna, stress (heat, drought) or mutation.

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