Why I grow in Coco Coir

Those are valid points that are well worth making note of. I would add that Coco amended with certain cold organic inputs can make for a viable, living medium with little to no odor. Cold inputs are often more rich in nutrients than other comparable inputs but dont need to be composted. My favorite inputs for this are rabbit and alpaca beans. Rabbit manure produces increased levels of flavonoids in my experience and alpacas free range graze and don’t shit were they eat. Alfalfa, soy bean, and kelp meals are fantastic inputs as well. One can create a vegan living soil with those if desired to avoid animal waste all together.
I would be remiss to not mention there is a kind of magic found in a proper water only grow. When the microbes and roots are firing on all eight the plants are incredibly healthy and resilient; it is the only condition in which the plant is getting “the perfect ratio” of nutes. There is a bit of human arrogance at play to assume we could know what that is at any given time. That being said, inorganic input manufacturing has dialed it in pretty damn good with products like Jack’s 3-2-1.


Someday I hope I can grow pot.


Can’t grow without kelp meal too, once you try it and see how plants react you can’t go back. And I do use coco in my mix!

You’ll only know and do by trying! :smiley:


Golly gee wiz Wally, I like the way he controls the root zone.

I prefer peat mixes but it’s just my tastes.

That dangling controller looks like it’s going to fall into a cup that must be full of water :zap:

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Not all organic fertiliser has a footprint. I can pick weeds from my garden, stick them in some rain water and make a pretty decent full spectrum fertiliser. In fact I have done that, and I use it regularly. Zero footprint.

This isn’t true, I understand what you’re getting at. But it’s similar to the argument of “a plant is a living thing so it’s organic.” That’s not what we mean and not what the term organic implies.
You wouldn’t try and argue that concrete is a natural thing, because humans are are part of nature and we made it. Or maybe you would try and argue that point :smile: it’s and interesting debate I suppose.
From an outside perspective looking in at life on this planet, you could argue that everything man made is still natural as it was created by a lifeform.
Its still a stretch though lol.



Yeah, that’s electroshock growing, a new style that is spreading. Best is to drop your AC controller every 48h in the cup :laughing:


[quote=“funkyfunk, post:25, topic:122346, full:true”]
Can’t grow without kelp meal too, once you try it and see how plants react you can’t go back. And I do use coco in my mix!

[quote=“Dragon, post:22, topic:122346”]
Just not sure if I am good enough to pull indoor off

Say huh? Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but in my experience Jack’s 321 and a Hempy bucket, Rockwool, or coco is like colonel Colt’s equalizer for growing indoor. With just a little research to find a proven feed schedule, and there are many posted, anyone can turn out a beautiful harvest if they have proper environmental control and an IPM in place.


Post relocated


And you just crossed the road with passionate freaks :smiley:


I mentored many growers pre legalization :wink:

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The most important part of my point which nobody ever seems to comprehend is that there is more arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and nickle in every organic garden than there is in every synthetic one. Which garden would you rather eat from.

I would like to add, if I was growing in soil I would be using organic nutrients. But this thread is about growing in coco.

Honestly, there’s no drama here on OG. Synthetic and organic growers get along fine here. We all share the same space. I know from experience on other forums that the “organic/synthetic” debates get very toxic. But no one here claims synthetic is evil.
I grow in ‘organic living soil’ its my preferred method for many reasons. But I still appreciate that synthetic nutrients have their place and uses in growing, especially on small scale personal grows.

You should check out the organic growers threads, there are a lot of of people here making their own fertilisers and amendments. More that you’d expect.

An organic garden, every time. Without doubt.
Those things you listed generally aren’t anywhere near dangerous levels, and their often bannded around as a form of fear mongering. The Arsenic for instance is mostly organic arsenic and isnt of concern, the inorganic arsenic however wouldbe different and highly toxic.

Again, you’re not really understanding what the term organic means in the context of growing plants here. You’re taking a very broad definition of the word and applying it.

I still think claiming that concrete is ‘organic’ is silly as well :smile:



Very interesting thread @Dragon, I currently use 5gal. fabric pots with soil/perlite but want to try coco so I was thinking of staying with that setup but using coco as well, maybe 40% soil and 40% coco and perlite 20% to get a handle on growing in coco, what are your thoughts?


You could go with Coco HFF or with Coco as an amendment with other things to make a soil mix like you said
If you want to truly express Coco’s Power you have to try Coco HFF with maybe 10% EWC and perlite
With HFF you can get as tiny as 1 liter and grow big plants that fall off of not sustained (happens to me every time)

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Yeah thats the kind of thing I was thinking of using, HFF isnt available locally so I use best quality organic potting mix( no time release nutes) as a base. I can get good buffered coco coir though so I’ll give that a go, thanks @Andrexl .

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For HFF I mean High Frequency Fertigation,so setting up a timer with multiple feeds a day and runoff


I thought you meant that forest floor soil, sorry :sweat_smile:

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Nope,Just my bad🥲,now,if you buy good Coco coir Just use Coco and don’t Need to add perlite,if you want you can get 10% work castings in the mix and then water once at day till the Plant gets the First node,then 2 at day,then start setting up multiple feeds based on runoff EC.
Important Is to ALWAYS water with NUTRIENT SOLUTION and SOME CALMAG of the water Is not HARD,PH 5,8-6.2 and HAVE A GOOD RUNOFF to measure the difference in INPUT EC and OUTPUT EC,NEVER let Coco DRY OUT!
The plant Will Just become huge almost like Hydro
If you don’t have the setup yet follow my advice:Do a soil mix of peat,Coco and perlite,ewc
You LL see the difference in size and health,also treat It like soil if the dominant part Is peat

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