Why I grow in Coco Coir

Thank you Andrexl thats what I’ll do, I use Dyna Gro nutes so no change there.:+1:

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@Dragon you have interesting ideas and no fear in sharing. Kudos.

Are you saying that you currently have plants outside and snow is coming?

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I’m not arguing with you and I totally understand and comprehend everything you are saying and how organic gardening works. I was just trying to post a grow log about why I grow in coco and people started turning it into a debate over all these other things.

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If you want to use coco in your soil, that would be good to help keep moisture in, coco soaks up moisture like a sponge, way better than soil and it holds in oxygen better than soil even when it is wet.


Thanks for your in depth explanation @Dragon, I understand more now, and why small pots are popular,excellent info👍


I forgot to add that a plant growing in coco needs a different sort of regimen

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Concrete and cement aren’t the same thing.

Again, you’re not understand what the term organic meanswhen were talking about growing plants. I don’t know I’d you’re doing this purposefully. But I’m done pointing this out.



Sorry I didn’t get that was a grow log. I thought you were opening a thread to discuss about coco effectiveness (and added nutrients in the mix). This misunderstanding probably explains why the discussion is circling around then. I’ll shut up and follow the grow :smiley:

Have a good one!


Thanks for pointing out what you think I don’t know.
Why is rock phosphate organic?.. Because it is a rock that is found organically in nature. It is not considered organic because you can use it in a organic garden, rather, you can use it in your organic garden because it is a rock that is found organically in nature. Just like the potassium, the gypsum, the…

I almost forgot an important part to growing with coco @Jango . Coco has empty cation pockets that will grab some of your nutrients and not allow the plant access to them

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Please share grow pics


Yeah I might share my magic soon. Your friend the troll’s harassment the other day made me question the integrity of this board and it’s members. I’m happy discussing things for now. I certainly don’t need anyone’s approval and never had.

It’s never been easy for a Dragon to make a quiet entrance.

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Excellent thread!
I’ve always wanted to grow using coco coir, but I grow it outdoors and I don’t have an irrigation system. I wanted to start adding coco to my current mix, what is the recommendation? What percentage of coco would I add to my mix? I use 50% peat and 50% perlite or carbonized rice husk, what would be the recommendation? mix 50% of this mix with 50% coco or 70% mix with 30% coco?
Thanks guys!

Real coco coir is only coco and perlite as far as I know. Use equal amounts by volume. Seems like a lot of perlite at first but the perlite helps the drainage after the roots get tight. .

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Thanks again for all the info and explanations, my Roma tomatoes were only a quarter of that size last year.


You still keeping this going…

Nitrifying bacteria.



Thats good to know. I think what I was trying to say in the beginning is that I used to think that synthetics were evil because of what i was hearing about them but I dont think that anymore.

I’ll do a real grow log someday

What have u been smoking lately? :joy:
I’d like some of that too!

Just start a thread and throw in weekly photos.
No need to test anybody. Just be yourself. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


I’m vaping the blueberry muffins.

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