Why I grow in Coco Coir

For the love of all things holy there is no hydride ion in botany (that’s the name given to a hydrogen anion) It only exists in a binary compound… we’re not going there. Hydrogen is one proton, one neutron, and one electron. It gives up the electron in a transport chain to form ATP rendering it a metabolic byproduct with a plus one net charge.


i dont wanna be an ass but this guy - Dragon - is a full on troll (he had already admitted he was a sock, then because ppl still believe hes for real, changed his description and started again). hes just making users waste their time thinking he actually has questions with dumb shit, then when new users with real questions and real propositions come, these members will feel fatigued to help them due to these type of prior interactions.


Nobody fights with “the dragon” and lives!


i know. im ready for it hahahah


“I think it’s his breath.”


You are right @Cannacryptic there is no such thing as a (H-). But this (HCO3-) hydrogen bicarbonate is super important to the process and shouldn’t ever be left out of any conversation concerning the exchange. Within the context of pH (potential hydrogen) the hydrogen bicarbonate can certainly be considered a negative hydrogen because of how it effects the pH.

Go read that again bot, anyone with a brain can tell I was being sarcastic, who plants the fall seed run outside by the river right before it starts snowing? Go harass someone else, I’m over it!

Known fact: @the_bot doesn’t have a brain.


Turtles always win our fights. @Foreigner

Oh yeah well I have a full armoire.

Ahhh, it’s the “Terps” thread guy. I see now :smile:



No. No it can’t. Not even a little bit. There is no ground for you to gain or face to save with this tangent. Because there is no model, qualitative or conceptual, in any scientific discipline that uses hydride in the biological function of pH. It exists in the plasma of stars and the ionosphere where pH in support of biological activity accounts for fuck all. Bicarbonate is an alkaline, that’s how it effects pH and it’s well defined, it’s not “considered” anything else because there is nothing else in this context for it to be considered. You can’t just make up chemistry to suit how you feel or to bridge comprehension gaps in your misunderstanding of it.


I never once tried to make up chemistry. You are the only one on a tangent here @Cannacryptic. I was simply trying to explain where I was coming from when I wrote what I wrote since you seemed so confused about it, I should be able to defend and reason for myself if you are going to come in like the authorities. What I wrote was trying to briefly explain the basics in a way that doesn’t need to know the full chemistry or math of it all. The idea would be for someone to read it and then go learn more about it if they want. For some reason you seem to think that I was trying to explain it in full detail which I obviously wasn’t. Most people don’t think like a chemist and all of those chemistry terms and math can turn some people off of any subject. Other people like to learn all the mathematical details. Everyone is different!
What term could I have used to save myself from your wrath? Should I have said hydrogen bicarbonate? Should I have said bicarbonate? Should I have said HCO3-?
I didnt make up negative hydrogen, its something I read once when someone was talking about potential hydrogen. What would have been correct for you? I think this entire rant you are on is more about making yourself look smart and me stupid than it is about me or anything I wrote.

That’s hilarious that you think you can tell anyone how they should think of or consider any topic. Like you are this all official authority of everything that is and should be. You can try and try all you want but there will never be a time when everyone lives in the same box that you are in cryptic, might want to think outside of it once and a while.

As far as your entire critique goes; you are completely wrong: You should be presenting yourself more artistically, perhaps rhyming more, maybe your entire act should be a musical… This is what you saying that the brief description that I wrote should be more scientific sounds like to me. You are giving an imaginary critique because you are critiquing something that I wasn’t even trying to do. Just like you weren’t trying to make a musical.
Instead of telling me what you think I should do or should have written in my thread about Why I grow in coco. Go create your own thread and make it say whatever you want it to say. Because honestly, anything and everything you say about the topic of Why I grow in coco is wrong because you aren’t me.

I only speak from legitimate science, that’s the authority, not me. I have made no claims at all about myself in any position of authority. Until now.

There’s levels to this. You’re not on mine. I can’t lower myself or dumb shit down anymore for you. Some people are just destined to mix the bleach and ammonia (take deep breaths, clears the sinuses).

Any discussion with you is just playing chess with a pigeon. Do you know what that means?

No matter how convincingly you win, it just kicks all the pieces off the board, shits all over, and struts around like it won. That’s you pigeon boy, just strutting around with shit running down your leg, completely unaware of how fucking stupid you actually are. Try to keep it contained.


I once played chess with a pigeon and got checkmated in 4 moves.


Bad news everybody. I went over to my grow site today and everything was dead. From what I am learning here is that it must be because I accidentally called the negative hydrogen bicarbonate a negative hydrogen. Good thing I know how to do a better grow for next time.

NOBODY invited you here or wanted you to speak here.
This was a half way decent thread until you came along and made it all about you and what you think is the best way to do things.
Go read through it, there were some people interested in what i was saying… that is until you swooped in and rubbed your chicken shit all over the thread. I’m guessing you always push others down when you try to get up. Do you really think anyone would want to learn anything from you after reading how you approach people? Do you really think anyone wants to know what someone like you who “got mad at the marijuana community when pot got legalized” thinks? It obviously wasn’t important for you to come in and help anyone grow pot, you are an obvious narcissist that thinks there is only one way for anything to be done and it is your way, and you are using this website as your arena for your imaginary competition that you got going in your head. Nothing you have said here matters, especially under the narrative that was first presented. Only in your head does any of it matter. There was absolutely no reason for you to even step in and give your arrogant opinion and nobody has really gained any knowledge for it. Unless you didn’t know about the negative hydrogen bicarbonate (which would make sense of all your confusion). If you really were on this grandiose level you wouldn’t even have taken the time to respond to anything I said and you would have understood what I was trying to say about how phosphoric acid doesn’t fit your definition of organic that you think is so smart. I hope you are done here because I am done conversing with you and trying to get you to see outside that grandiose box you are in… which is pointless because you don’t even know the basics of discourse, rather you use a gangsters approach. Go look up the Socratic method. Just because someone asks you a question doesn’t mean they don’t know the answer.

Make Way!

It’s a trick! The method is to poison yourself with hemlock!