Why I grow in Coco Coir

Ohhhhhmmm! :mage:‍♂

Look at that, you did more research on what you speak. Could of just said thanks for the great advice instead of all the nonsense and verbal diarrhea.


It’s shocking how delusional you are in not only your induction of information, but also the inability to read a room. Have you some how missed in your review a total lack of support of your dribble, but nothing but likes for the gangster nobody wants to hear from?
Every dig you try to take at me is literally a description of yourself. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? Projection is the most basic shit there is, most people outgrow it, you’re clinical. Seriously I just saved you a grand in therapy costs. You just wrote a dissertation on yourself.


Mods should abort this thread.


This thread has me so confused that I started some seeds in cocoa powder and it didn’t really work out.


Yeh, this has turned into a shit show, like his last thread did. :roll_eyes:



Do you grow in coco because you get better terps? Does added perlite alter the terp profile?


Is there a way to “fix” the terps of coir because I cannot stand that shit?

Edit: coconut coir is great for a medium but there has got to be alterable terps involved. Possibly. Has this been looked into by anyone?

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It does when you sprinkle it on the buds.


I don’t have an answer for that, not even remotely, but I am certainly intrigued. I would say that at the most basic level it’s a true statement that plants don’t care where the elemental macro and micros come from, synthetic or organic, there is more going on than that. It doesn’t surprise me that there are folks out there sensitive to a latent flavor picked up from coco. People have become accustomed to calling coco inert but in reality it’s organic. It does break down, just slowly. Does it taste like Sulphur? Perhaps there is a microbial byproduct small enough or of the right polarity the roots uptake it and the use of beneficial flora could mitigate it. I think I would start there. Maybe run an IBL in Rockwool vs coco vs coco plus known beneficial. That might give results to highlight any effect on the flavor profile from coco.

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“Alterable terps”? As in like, adding terpene components to the medium for the plant to uptake? --i mean, there are a ton of variations out there. This comes to mind:
Never used em but have chatted with old-schoolers who have. Each respective flavor is supposed to impart that flavor into your final flowers (gross). Is this what you meant by “alterable terps”?. …

OR. … did you mean that the potential stress of a soilless environment can or may cause a plant to produce “additional” terpenes beyond its normal expression? :man_shrugging:t2:. This, i i think can be achieved in any medium except DWC & the reason I say that, is DWC seems like a “precise” means of growing for optimal growth with little to no stress :man_shrugging:t2:

I couldn’t agree more. I tried both and stuck with rock-wool.

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