Will extra dark time in flowering cause a hermie?

i’ve been searching the faq’s for an hour now and cannot find any info on this problem. my timer broke and i had to flip them manually. well, you can imagine what happened there based on the title. i went to the hospital with the girl and forgot to flip them on once so they had an extra day of darkness. then i forgot to ask the wife to turn them on one day and they have now had two 36 hour dark periods 4 and 6 days into flower. will this cause any issues? i found all sorts of things on how a light leak during darkness causes hermies but nothing on the other way around. i seem to recall that it won’t hurt anything but i also recall we used to be told to cut the leaves when cloning and that is crap.


I’d imagine it won’t cause much harm. Especially because you’re so early in flower. Obviously keep a close eye on things over the next few weeks, but it shouldn’t do much damage in my opinion. It’s definitely not ideal to disrupt day/night cycles but I’d wager that some extended darkness isn’t as deadly as light during supposed dark periods. :metal:t2: My two cents


Shouldn’t cause any issues. I had lights off for 4 days before in the middle of flower. No issues and they were praying the whole time. At 4-6 days of 12/12 that probably aren’t even fully into flower.


I wouldn’t be concerned about that especially so at 6 days, I’ve had a timmer jam on for 3 days straight around mid flower.

I’ve left plants in darkness while drying (12/14 days) then put them back under light and they were fine


No it won’t, When I had a flower room,1K hps I did 10hrs. on and 14 hrs. off…and everything was fine and saved on power bills.


I agree. No harm done. They just lost a little grow time. :grin:


thanx folks. that’s what i was thinking. just wanted to confirm it. they look great after a little extra sleep.


if you lower your light from 12/12 to 11/13 or 10/14 over the course of your grow you are increasing the light off time perhaps multiple times. that doesn’t seem to have any impact on herming.

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i’ve read about that and plan on making some experiments with it. this was just to flip the seeds i started to see what comes up so i can get some clones though. when i take the clones i’m gonna take two off of each one and clip the leaves on one and leave them on another to see whether they root quicker with the leaves left in tact. all else being the same it should be a valid experiment.

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That’s what I did 25yrs. ago, did lots of experiments and even proved some myths wrong…


I watched a YouTube video that showed examples of 10,11, and 12hrs.

Tbh I thought more light would be better, it sort of is if you have the time, but for rapid turn over and gpw/mtr 10/11 is better over 8 weeks.

Did you notice a big/worthy difference with 10/11 light hours?


Biggest concern with extended dark periods would be humidity spiking. Other than that, I wouldn’t worry. You’re saving electricity, if anything :wink:


The experiment I did was to see if it hermies if the dark hrs. were longer and none of them did…look at the people that grow in green houses in USA, when growing during winter we have longer nights and none of them hermied…in the equator people grow 12/12.

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