Will moving to tents improve yield? RDWC

I grow in a 12x10 but only have a 4x8 canopy. Inspired by my dads tent grow i feel im not making the most of my lights and losing a lot of light instead of reflecting it back.

I run rdwc so I feel this will be a challenge to use tents.

I also feel like it will be easier to get 85F canopy temps required for LED.

Anyone do RDWC in tents?


certainly easier for me to get heat in the tents


I veg in a 4x8.
I could flower in there with maybe less veg time or super cropping.
I use panda film to reflect my light up.


I’ve noticed no differences in running in vs outside of a tent to be honest. Outside of the ability to control the environment more.


If it wasnt for my AC fucking up, I’d still be running in my shower. I kinda am still I guess with one plant but shes been exiled lmao


I’m running a 4 site RDWC in a 4x4 tent with 2x Mars Hydro TSL-2000’s. Super bright, edge to edge with them at 18-24" from canopy in veg, and 12-18" when in flower (I confirm my needed height with a LUX meter). Theses LED’s have removable ballasts, but I leave them attached to the fixture as heat sources due to my growing room being very cold in the winter months.

I am running a 6" inline fan exhaust (to outdoors) running at the lowest setting, with passive intake from all the vents, as well as a 4" inline fan connected to my AC ducting JUST IN CASE i need to drop the tent’s temperature as the days warm up. I have a 150w aquarium heater in my reservoir maintaining the solution at 18-68c (64-68f) otherwise it gets below 18c (64f) due to the cold temperature of the room.

The results are a tents that averages 23-24c (73-75f) lights on, and 18-20c (64-68f) lights off.


Tent will allow for more stability in temps & humidity by simply having less space to manage. :man_shrugging: VPD possibly easier to perfect? Can’t be a huuuuuge difference over a dialed-in room, though. :thinking:



I have tents and if we didnt want to move i would build rooms just for the extra bit of height

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the oldest tent is 3 years old and the zipper is shot(LA GARDEN), one of the newer ones is about shot(Vivosun) the other Vivosun is newer yet but not far behind

I got a 5x5 for free ill experiment in. Problem is my highest wattage light is only 720w. Which is just under 30w/sq.ft. so not sure if this would be a good gauge of performance