Will this formula work to figure out LED power settings until my light meter arrives?

I have some ProGrow 680W lights with the controller box in my tent that is only 2m tall.

I obviously can’t raise the lights anymore so adjusting the power is the next most useful tool. I just want to make sure this is the right formula

Manufacturer recommendation in late veg is 100% power at 115-130cm above canopy (avg 122.5cm)

The measured height above my canopy at the moment is 70cm


70/122.5 = 0.57 (57%)

680x0.57 = 387.6


I set my lights to 388W while they are 70cm above my vegging canopy… does this sound about right?

I ordered an Apogee light meter so just wanna know if I can rely on this formula until that arrives

Just seems weird that at this stage I’m only using 776w of power on lights as opposed to 1800w when I was using HPS

yes I have a Lux meter and at 388w it’s reading about 54k at the canopy

(apologies to those who have seen this same question posted elsewhere)

I’ve had plants before grow basically into the light fixture at 100% and show no signs of light stress although they have seemed to grow very dense and squashed/tight or just weird in the past and I’m assuming it has to do with off-kilter VPD and also super intense light.

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Can’t speak to your light but I run 300w 18” approx from canopy during veg. Further when seedlings and closer when flowering.

Best of luck.

My light is of comparable size. That formula is OK.
My light is a DYI Bridgelux gen2.

I’m running 360W in flower and 450W if flower (4’ x 4’ tent, light height at 60")

I’d really be interested in seeing your comparison table when you get your Apogee meter.


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Do you mean 60cm or 60"? I cant get my light to 60" above canopy,only 27" at this stage

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60" above the deck.

Assuming 9" for the pot (I shoot for 24" max plant height in veg.) so 27" tip to light. {That’s with plants I know.}
For me, flower is not really a static, I vary intensity as the plant grows.


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in unlimited space light brightness from a point source is more logarithmic than linear and those changes happen the greatest the closer you get…

Through if your reading 54k lux at your canopy now you should have more than enough as one thats what i typically shoot for canopy wise and your probably is in the 800 umol/s/m2 range with that.


800umol is a little high for veg, isn’t it? Shouldnt i be aiming for more like 600? In any case I flipped to flower last night so maybe it’s better at 12/12

Fuck its all so confusing

yeah 800 for flowering though all depends on what the plants are doing as if they’re happy they’re happy as really were facilitating in their growth not following suggested values given by others as again those are “suggestions”

consider the closer the plants gets to the lights the brighter it will be and now that you have flipped to flower you many be able to flop over some tops to fill your area and get an even canopy once they really get into their stretch in 7-10 days

Btw should throw up a grow journal :wink:

If I start a grow journal it would be me flopping around a lot getting roasted by people haha

No need for topping over I’m running a scrog that I’m pretty happynhappy with given all these are from seed so it’s as even as I can get until i select the keeper pheno after the next run

Maybe I’ll put up a journal tonight


A nice healthy garden there @KETAMINE_GRENADE ! Looking forward to your upcoming photos. :v: