Win Barneys Farm Purple Punch Auto Seeds from #killabeezseeds (Closed)

24th please read message make sure addy is rite

Still no show here as wellā€¦

JazzMunter & Poppa Pu please emial me address again at

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Nothing here either @killabeez-seedbank , you sure i won.?! ( lol.)

Im not even sure whos running the contest now.

I got mine today. Thanks for the contest. I wrote an email telling you not to resend as well.

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sent it 3 times ā€¦ to youā€¦wish id known as it takes me bloody ages to send thsseā€¦

what i noticed was on overgrow I had to send the comp prizes out 2-3 times to get them to customers unlike every other platform I advertise on,
hence more comps on facebook fro now on matey and less here

What I donā€™t understand about that statement is like, The Vault donā€™t have to send product out 2-3 times to get it to customers in their comps so maybe youā€™ve still something to learn eh.

That or who youā€™re picking are dishonest but I donā€™t see a comp winner lying about not receiving the stuff.


Mate I won a previous @killabeez-seedbank competition for fastbuds GSC auto seeds and I had the seeds in my hands within 3 days of PMing him my details. Something is obviously a miss this time around though. :v:


This one shows post dated august 5th. Just received it yesterday. I think the royal post just put letter in a bottle and threw it into the channel and hoped for the best


I think Canada post is on a go slow, everything is taking its sweet time getting delivered here.


Everything I recieve from overseas tends to take forever for Canada Post and Canada Customs to get deliveredā€¦


Took 3 weeks for a package I sent from US to get to Canada. I didnā€™t realize Canada was a 3rd world country. lol Canada seems to take the idea of pony express to a whole new level


We use mooseā€¦ they tend to get distracted easily when they see a swamp


Cracking up for 20 characters


sorry for this reply but then again iā€™m not sorry because of your reply seems like you were blaming us for your screw ups. Every other person i have received something from was notified within minutes of mail drop off and i thanked them for it ā€¦ Iā€™m over it ā€¦ still havenā€™t received anything ā€¦ DO NOT TRY TO RESEND you probably wouldnā€™t get my addy rite AGAIN if you did .you couldnā€™t even write my user name correct in your previous comment . do not worry i will not join any other competitions you produce // bright side if something does show i will still inform you . sorry OVERGROW ppl i needed to blow steam


No sorry needed. Understandable.

Wow we must be the most dishonest group of growers out there then ā€¦ Going by that statement. .!
Iā€™ll NOT be buying from you @killabeez-seedbank & i thought you were cool before the bitching post above. :arrow_heading_up: too.!

To be honest I found their customer service to be really good with me. Responded to emails and re sent my prize. Because of this I will prolly give them a shot. Only problem was canada postā€¦