Wizzlez wants to see the Northern Lights

Hi y’all,

I’m looking for some regular northern lights seeds for a breeding project. I’m located in Europe.

I’d be willing to send over something from my own stock if you happen to find anything interesting in it, just tell me what flavors you’re in to cause I’ve got quite a heap to sort through and it’s a bit much to list as more than half is ongoing work or untested batches.

If return seeds are not wanted another possibility is a drawing or other form of art made by me as a thank you. I’m known to make pretty things, but I’m dealing with a whole lot of mental issues at the moment so I’m not able to make promises on topics or anything, what you get is what you get, and all I can promise is that it will a piece in some way related to my healing process. It could be flat, it could be round, and it could be it takes me a couple weeks to start on making it.

Thanks for anyone who took the time to read this.



Send Address, I’ll see what I can do. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @Wizzlez, I’m in europe too, but sorry I don’t have any pure NL.
Hope you will be lucky with other members.

Happy growings!!


I have some nl1 f1’s I made from seedsman stock bro. Along with crosses with the same nl1 male. Send me address?

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Here’s one of my f1 nl1 from seedsman plants. She’s a special plant that I’m excited about


Here’s a northern lights bag seed from rez dispo. Looks great to

nl is one of my favourite strains


I’ve loved probably everything that came forth from NL, and have a sharp memory of quite a few strains, but it’s been many years since I’ve smoked it and my memory of it is vague at best. But it’s a strain with most excellent properties for breeding purposes.

What would you say is the flavor/scent profile of NL1 specifically? All I’m getting in my head when I think Northern Lights is softly piney, and some fruity in there, but not loud enough when compared to what I’m shooting for.

What I’m eventually shooting for is a bellringer with an umami type tanginess to it over a lightly treefruit and grape fruitiness with pine undertones.

But imagining it is the easy part innit…

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I’m running NL#2 and Purest Indica plants in flower right now from Authentic Genetics. The NL#2 has a nice pine, floral and soft fruity smell and nice plant structure. It’s a heavier feeder than I’m used to and I’ve been dealing with a nitrogen deficiency all grow with it but it’s still looking good.

NL#2 week 6 of flower.

Purest Indica also called Northern Lights #1 by some. It has a softer pine and deep funk smell, like a damp forrest floor.
I don’t have enough seeds left to share unfortunately but Authentic Genetics has sales on them regularly for $2 a seed. Regular price is $5 a seed so it’s still a good price for the quality I’ve seen.

He does ship internationally but without tracking and they require cryptocurrency for international orders just to give you a heads up.


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