Would you use 2 lights or 1?

This, they will last longer too.

Same with cars, or anything really, you run something full tilt all the time it’s gonna wear out faster.

With dimmed light that’s more scattered, your plants will not get stressed as much as with full intensity of one light.


Hey bud, I’d also go with two for the light spread, if you run them at 50% and lower them by half you shouldn’t loose much if any intensity?



Use 2 for better light spread.

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Actual science! Thank you!

Kinda surprised everyone is on the 2 light train, I thought people would learn more towards intensity. But obviously I want to use two if it’s better I mean who doesn’t want more and bigger right?

Thanks all for the response!


I would run 2 and hook a Thermostat to 1 so it shuts off at say 90ish. Then you can play around with intesity to fine tune. I have a tent with 4 led lights 2 65 and 2 130 watt just for summer that I run this way.


How do have that hooked up?

At first just one pluged into Thermostat that shuts off at 90 kick back on in couple mins when temp drop to 88 with fan doesn’t take long. As it gets hotter hook 2 up to it.


I was surprised no one mentioned lowering the light fixtures before. Seems to my simple outdoor grower’s mind that that would be of great benefit in this situation. thumbs-up


Yeah I’m sold on keeping the two over one, I really liked the comparison in that article to sound and maintaining the multiple light spectrums by having a wider array of diodes across the two panels.

I did overlook that part in his comment though about lowering the lights to compensate for the lost intensity so glad you doubled back on that.


We’re all here for each other! :slight_smile:


One thing that drew me to the ViparSpectra KS is the detached ballast. If I need some heat I place the driver inside the grow area. It can also be adjusted between 100%, 75, 50, 25, and OFF. Love this thing.


Vote for 2 for better spread


Unless the 1x 200w’s throw is even.

As an example in one of my 2x4’s I was using 2x Mars Hydro TS1000’s, but then when my 4x4 got upgraded with a bar-type fixture I swapped out the 2x fixtures for 1x TSL2000 pulled from the 4x4 as it’s got amazing coverage for that space hence me using 2 of them for the 4x4.

This all being said; when I have heat issues it’s usually because I’m not venting outdoors but this is also due to the environment my tents are in… :rofl:

I hope you find your solution soon friend! :v:


Yeah that’s the thing it’s a Vivosun vs2000 you’re standard panel design, so it is more sun at the ends

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FWIW outdoor plants are happy up to about 100-105f if there’s some shade cloth…above 104-105 they start wilting but will come back to turgid after it cools & they have sufficient soil moisture.

And IIRC some greenhouse operations run even hotter with high humidity :man_shrugging: but I never saw the flower :joy: so whatever


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I’ve got a light controller that’ll dim the light when it hits a pre set temperature, i wouldn’t recommend that controller tbh but maybe it’s a standard feature on others?
The Ac infinity is a cracking controller for not a lot of money but I’m unsure about its features.

They’re available under different names I’ve had a few problems with my one i don’t rate it.


Two lights running at half wattage will make more photons than 1 light running at full wattage. Basically you will have better spread and higher efficiency it’s a win win.

2x4 tent is 8 sqft. A good tule of thumb for most white led based lights is 35-40w per square foot should give you good enough intensity to flower. So in your 2x4 you would want 8x35w= 280w. So I would dim both your lights to 75% which would give you 300w total running which is reasonable for the space. Another thing that helps cool tents more easily is put the hose to your extraction fan to the top of the led on the drivers. It really helps cool the tent.


2 lights evenly spread would be better, since 1 light may only cover part of the tent unless its a big light. Temps can get up to 85 without much issue honestly. You can also run your lights at night when its a bit cooler and have them off during the day when it gets a bit hotter.


Thank you @VIVOSUN for the input!


This is real good advice.
If you can move the drivers outside the tent that would help a lot.
Also if your exhaust vent sucks air right across the light it will suck most if not all the heat out of the tent.