Wreckage master bastard kush contest

Amazing strain all around! @OnePassionateGrower that is a nice stalk you have there is she tall or just bushy I see the branches coming off are bigger than my main stems :rofl:. Great genetics from monster plants in the hands of another grower and in the ground you are getting man! I dream of a plant like that well done! I canā€™t wait to drop more wmbk myself.


Itā€™s my 2nd official outdoor grow and honestly wasnā€™t expecting 14 footers especially living in New England :crossed_fingers:t2: :smiley: Everything from OG has been better genetics than most high label retailers. Love has no price and thatā€™s what all of you infuse into growing this plant we all adore.
I know you have some of the most brutal elements going against you so itā€™s real admirable seeing you persevere and flower out strains from all over the world. Keep up the great work @420noob
The knowledge you have alone about cannabis is worth its weight in gold. :100: Iā€™m hoping a few more weeks and just a healthy harvest. :man_bowing:t2: @THCeed is the real canna savant here :sunglasses: :deciduous_tree: weā€™re all just taking notes :memo: :joy:


Thanks for the kind words! That is 2 plants right? Beautiful man I canā€™t wait to be able to grow in ground start to finish maybe next year!


Itā€™s 3 giant Amazonian girls :pray:t2:
Left to right is the Frankenstein from those few fem beans you gave me :man_bowing:t2: 2nd in the middle is WMBK and on the end is Blue Kush By Doug :fire:


You have obviously been smoking way too much. Thanks, but I am not worthy. I have so much to learn from all of you.


Oh ya you are gonna love that Frankenstein if you havenā€™t tried it yet! You are in for a real treat.


WOW! :eyes: Youā€™ve got a LOT of pot! ā€¦And great strains too (judging from what Iā€™ve read/seen, anyway).

Iā€™m envious of those of you who can grow outdoors. Your garden looks fantastic. :+1: