Wreckage master bastard kush contest

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No problem at all! As much as I love getting stuff, it really is true about better to give than receive!

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I resemble that remark…

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That is a true statement!

So is that. LOL

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Looks like we are both on a roll :laughing:

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Anyone have any ideas on setting something up for the prize donors?
Maybe another Wiki for that only? Not sure what to do, but I’m sure my OGreat members will figure it out.


We’ll by the time we get started and before we finish I’ll know what I have to throw in the kitty.


Please keep us posted with pictures.

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Here some my dude

about 11 days old, i’ll have to go check. it’s in coco/peat organic seed starter with some added perlite. getting ~100ppm added nutes. 1ml cal mag per gallon and the rest GH Floranova grow


Let’s get some addresses rolling in, I got some time to do this right now.


They are starting off really nice. Looking good.

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I think I have some of the WMBK but I can’t locate them now. I will keep looking.
What is the contest about? Biggest plant? Biggest yield? How will the winners be chosen, I may have missed that part. I only got a 3x3 tent at the moment so I can only grow so much indoors.


I think we’re in the early phases of the concept.
Not sure these questions have been answered yet.
I do have some great ideas for winning categories though!
@THCeed will send ya the beans if ya need em. You should join us. :wink:


The winner will be chosen by the members. So impress them however you’d like. Please keep in mind that this is all for fun.

We will probably have different categories for the winners and a loser or 2, since it looks like we have some great members stepping up to the plate for donations. We will definitely have fun discussing and picking the prize winners as a group. Once I can determine what’s available for prizes, I will decide on how many winners will be chosen. We will decide as a jury on things like best compact grow, best buds, best yield, biggest plant, everything involved in a grow.
So everyone has a chance at some great beans, new and old growers.


I am down with that.

I’d like to see this where THCeed wins no matter what, and we all flood his house with seeds for a change. :rofl:


Funny guy. Funny guy.


Do you want us to reach out with addys now @THCeed? Also, hopefully by the time the prizes are ready to be distro’d I will have a bunch of my cbd mango haze crosses ready, as well as some Mephisto S1’s.


Your beans have bean sent.
And yes.