Rust spots on fan leaves

Hi, I am a first time grower and I recently took my plant ( Rasberry Parfait photoperiod,abt a month into veg indoors, Fox farms ocean soil , under full spec lights, given fox farm nutes as well as epsom salt and molasses every few waterings or as needed ) outside to get repotted a few days ago, and then after I noticed that there were rust colored dots on some of my fan leaves. Wondering what this is , the internet said it could be a lot of things. Thanks for any help:)


Are you checking your pH? For soil 6.5 is the sweet spot. I don’t see spotting on any other leaf but that one.


theres spotting on about 3 of the leaves, they just aren’t visible in the photos. Also, my Ph is at 6.4 as of today so i’m not sure about that either. thanks for your help btw

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Could be some grasshopper or other bug damage … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Welcome to Overgrow.If I’m understanding this correctly you Repotted outside?If so you might have bumped a couple roots and busted some tips off homie.If so it won’t kill the plant If it’s tiny stuff like that.Those leaves will forever have those spots but don’t fret looks like the rest is handling it Fine and those will grow back.To be honest I’m kind of on the side of @George here.Thems look like critter bites to me.Something that likes to suck fluid out those leaves with all those tiny tiny little muchie wunchies on that leaf if it were in more streaky yellow bands and not those bites I would have guessed a bit of light burn.This is not the case that’s definitely bites


Same opinion. Watch closely behind the leaves around the spots.


Safers End all.

Welcome to the community @Cannabel you are now in good hands :raised_hand: and also welcome to greatest show on earth :earth_asia::+1: :partying_face: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:

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Welcome! Looks like you got it all under control! I wouldn’t fret over it. Leaves look green and healthy so they’re getting what they need

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I’m voting on a PH problem. Best of luck amigo!

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thanks man!! I appreciate your response and i’ll stop freaking out now lol

Thanks man !! I’m so excited i found this place haha way better than reddit :))

Hi, thanks for the advice !! appreciate you !!!

thank you !!!

I’d take a couple bug bite over rust beats a sharp stick in the eye.You’ll live to fight another day.This stuff Hydrophobic neem oil in it use it twice a day for 2 days spray under every leaf and over whole plant don’t miss anything never spray in flower then back off to once a week for two weeks Bye Bye bugs and any eggs the shitheads left.Nuke them from orbit and suffer no guilt ye who yeilds in the name of Crom


i dont think it’s big bites because it’s spreading :frowning: I posted an update but your comment was very helpful and much appreciated !! thanks!!