Yellowing in between veins coco first timer

@Gpaw has a good question about RH. Don’t be to concerned about letting coco dry out some. I know folks call it a big no no but it is not a bad thing. If you are feeding to runoff you won’t have issues with salt deposit. I would lower my PH to 6 and make sure you got decent temps and RH.


Vpd’s in check. Temps at 80-82. With humidity in the high 60’s. I’m feeding 5 times a day right now. A long feed first til run off and then 4 small feeds through out the day. Think
I should back off a bit? As well as nutes?

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How big are the pots?

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They’re in 3 gallons

I have not watered that much in 1 gallon pots. If it were me I would drop that to once a day. Check the pots by picking them up. Those plants don’t need near that much feeding. Honestly if seems like you are loving them to death.


So much conflicting info everywhere on coco. I’m in 30% perlite if that makes a difference. I’ve read that you can water multiple times a day til run off and be fine and to treat coco like hydro


I grow in hydroton. Every once in a while my leaves do this. I’ve never been able to capture the issue so clearly. I fix the problem by blasting my plants with calcium.

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I was thinking the cause could be lack of calmag but just tried mag so far

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I have read that too. I grow in coco with about a 30% perlite mix. These were watered once a day. These were watered once a day and in less than 3 gallon pots. You are right that there is a ton of conflicting info out there and I have read a whole lot of it. I can only advise on what has worked for me.



Looking good. What ec do you feed in veg?

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Honestly I stopped measuring. I keep the PH dialed in and if my plants don’t look happy I increase or decrease some nutes. I spent too much time staring at a meter when your plants will tell you a better story.


I think @DougDawson is spot on with lowering your ph. I had a similar issue and increase magnesium sulfate slightly just like you did and lowered my ph to between 5.6 - 5.8 and haven’t had the issue since.

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Checkout dr mj coco is pretty spot on with all his info. Flush your coco with 5.5 ph ro or tap water . Check your run off, flush til you’re down around the low 6 range. Feed at 5.7-6 ph for coco always. Anything higher and there’s a good chance you run Into some probs. My carmelita run had this issue. What’s great about coco is that you can’t really over water, and can flush when you need to. But always feed til you get a good 10% run off to prevent salt build up

Flush with 5.5 to get low 6 run off?

Hi OrganicMids, I had a problem very similar to yours in the past, and it was because the pot was too big and the roots were underdeveloped. this also caused rot soon after.
I see some people use hypochlorous acid to keep roots clean, like Athena Cleanse product.

Hmm I thought it could be that for a second. I do have hydroguard but not sure if it’s that cause roots are starting to grow out of the bottoms.

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I want to clarify first of all that I am a newbie to growing coconuts, I have only had about 4 harvests, but I always relate that if the ph of the runoff is lower than the ph of the irrigation water, it is because I have a problem with the roots. , (as long as you do frequent watering like the ones you do).
I also think that the problem can come from excessive watering events, perhaps if you give more intervals between watering and watering you will see improvements, I always start with one watering event a day, if the next day the pot is still wet I keep watering every day. day.
If the next day the pot appears dry, then I add another irrigation event.

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Looks like a calmag problem to me, it will be fixed if you increase the calmag. You need to increase both in coco :+1:t2:

Pz my friend :v:t2:

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I’ve found in veg I needed to only water once every 1 to 2 days and sometimes even longer. I just watch it and when it is getting close to drying out I water. Only in flower when buds are stacking and the amount of spent energy is looking to find replacement energy as fast as possible. This is when I’ve found it would go through 2 or 3 watering sessions daily. W/o supplementing cal/mag I’ve found it difficult in reaching my potential and pushing my goals for my level of skill. My advice would be cal/mag and ph to 5.8 1/2 strength nute sol. and let it dry out a bigger percentage than maybe previously you were. I believe if no other issues occur this will get you back on track. Thank you for letting me offer up my thoughts on this. Good luck, it is all worth it when you’re having the epiphany that your dialed in and rocking the Coco! Happy growing

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Forget about ph in run off it doesn’t tell us anything useful, if it does I’m totally unaware of it.

The ph of the nutrient going in is important not what’s coming out.

What ec are you feeding and how often are you feeding them?

I’m assuming your environment is acceptable, that’s key.

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