Yellowing in between veins coco first timer

I’ve read that low pH out can be indicative of salt build up or root issues. But I’ve also read not to chase pH out cause it’d be an endless battle.

I think my issue is just not adding an cal-mag to my mix. Just grabbed some today and will see how it affects the plants

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The cupping edges on the leaves have always been too high light intensity for me.

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I grow in coco. I use 4 sources for Cal Mag. I condition my medium with 1/2 TBS per gallon Dolomite Lime - Pure Dolomitic / Calcitic Garden Lime.
I use Molasses regularly with feeding 1/2 TBS per gallon
Cal Mag supplement 1-0-0 You have to learn to read your plants with this one.
I also amend my medium with Vermiculite when I condition it with the dolomite.

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) in Coco – A-Grade Hydroponics (

  • Always use pre-buffered coco products.
  • If re-using washed coco or if your coco has dried out entirely and no nutrients have been fed to your plant for some time, you will need to buffer your coco once more with a calcium & magnesium supplement before feeding your nutrient solution again.
  • After a heavy flush of your pots, buffer your coco again with a calcium and magnesium supplement.
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For anyone wondering, the problem was caused by lack of calmag. Everything’s looking great now. Thanks for the assistance.