"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Egads the diagrams :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Here we are:


I think it takes 3 generations of finding the autos and breeding them to make full autos. I’m just not sure if the 1st gen even shows autos till f2 . Some day I’m sure we’ll all attempt it. :grin:


Well, all us auto-obsessed types will at least. :wink:

I’ve got two types of f2s of photo mom + auto dad growing :smiley: they’re pretty much acting like photos. Planning to make some new auto varieties, so I’ll have results in a couple more generations. Should grow f3 gen to sort out the full autos, breed some of those together for a solid auto f4 generation, and test it to make sure. :heart_eyes:

I’m making an auto version of that beloved Humboldt heirloom. The only hitch is I don’t much like this f1 generation so far. I love the f1 with the Grapefruit, but the cross with the home pineapple not so much. I think I want to cross it with something auto that’s much more inbred and likely to have more recessives, so it doesn’t show. I may chuck these and try again.

What I’ve see published about the genes says that all else being equal, photoperiod is dominant, and auto is recessive.

However, all else is seldom equal outside a lab :rofl: and what I’ve seen people sharing is that auto/photo is more of a continuum and can be a bit unpredictable.

What I read about cannabis that seems most relevant to this that cannabis has a lot of cases where genes that may seem unrelated actually control whether and to what degree other genes are expressed.


yeah as others have said it takes 3 gens to lock in the auto trait, first gen cross from a photo x auto all will be photos, next generation of inner crossing those only 25% will be autos, and then if you take two autos of those and cross them then you get consistent autos


Thank you! That clears it up. :+1:


Beans landed :slightly_smiling_face:
Grateful for the extra cross.
Will recycle the card again.
Thanks much & have a lovely Sunday.


I’ll be home from California tomorrow. Thank you to everyone I’ve traded with and gotten presents from. I gave about 40 varieties, which was most of the seeds in my possession, (other than breeding project crosses) to our old family friends down there. They are on fixed income, off grid.

My heart is a bit broken right now. They were in a bad patch last time mom visited, she has some memory issues, and she either misunderstood or misremembered the state of things. It turns out they quit growing the old Humboldt stuff years ago with everyone else.

They grow weed to help with the seizures one of them gets, but it’s just whatever local friends pass them. I am really sad. I’m sad the seeds aren’t what I thought they were, that they don’t exist, and even more that my mom’s memory is in such a states.

I’m grateful I had seeds for them, their grow wasn’t going to be much variety this year, until I brought those seeds. Now instead of needing the support of others in the community to give them seeds, they can be the seed heroes.

Also, they don’t remember what they were growing last time when mom visited and they have her seeds. It might have been something called Pina Colada, a neighbor dropped by and confirmed “Kevin Murphy” gave them that strain to preserve, said he’d been working on it but was going to stop. Said an edible product made with it placed high at the High Times cannabis cup. So I’m left with a bit of a mystery. Mom did love that bud, it was good and potent and said it had the old Humboldt weed smell.

However, it wasn’t the Humboldt Heirloom I thought it was. So I’ll need to go back and edit a correction into here.

I’m growing out some of the Woodrose x Grapefruit, and it’s lovely, but it’s not Humboldt Heirloom. At least it’s fixing up to be delightful bud.

For all those who got seeds that don’t have the pedigree I thought they did, I sincerely apologize.


No need to apologize. :grin: Grow what you love and love what you grow. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You have given away some great genetics. The names mean nothing. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. Thanks @RainToday


Have you grown autos outside? I’m asking cause I’m not sure how to tell when mine are ready. We have had 90°+ days so can’t really go by trics since they amber up quickly in this heat. Any suggestions help. I can share pics if necessary but I’m not good at taking good pics.


Nope, no where to grow legally outside at my house. Maybe some day will get to build my dream roof garden on top of the shed.

My suggestion is to look at the calyxes, especially the single ones below the buds. When it’s finished they will be plump, rounded and full looking instead of shrunken. I don’t have a done one at the moment to show, but you’re welcome to share pics here, even bad ones. :wink:



That is a nice looking plant. :rainbow:

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If able, a good way to tell is when they stop drinking water. Since she’s in a pot. Has she slowed down drinking yet?

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Lol it’s 90°+ and 10% rh they need to get watered twice a day so hard to tell fabric and airpots really dry then fast.


Looks to me like they need a little longer, the tip calyxes don’t look very fat yet, I still see some fresh pistils, and the plants don’t look “tired” at all - no leaf fade yet. The trichomes are tall and straight.


Ok so wait until they start using up and dropping fan leaves then? Thanks they have swollen so much already so more is better!


2 for 2 on the zams came up. Now if I can just keep them alive . :joy: this one’s starting Itty bitty.


I’m going to bed early instead of putting together envelopes. Snipped the thumb pad of (fortunately) my non- dominant hand while grafting. Luckily I had finished the cherries branches I had picked up from my childhood home in california. Tylenol, skin glue, a butterfly bandage and carried on planting the native strawberries, irises, and a few other things I brought back from what used to be our land. One handed is not awesome. My brother is going to help me tomorrow, and I’ll get envelopes out ASAP but right now I’m going to bed.

Here’s pics of the cherry trees and the spot right next to them where I was born. In a trailer my parents fished out of the dump, because the house wasn’t built yet. Those trees are my age, and mom and I love the idea that I’ll have those cherries in my yard now. Queen Anne my dad thinks.


Oooh ouch! That’s a very beautiful place! I would have a hay day collecting imo from there. :joy:


I lost my loupe this morning hopefully you can help. Thus lovely lady has been dropping about 10 fan leaves a day. They turn completely yellow and drop. The last time i checked the trics was all cloudish. There is new pistils throwing now. Any thoughts?

This plant has had dark green leaves its whole life no nute burn, well i painted the tips but otherwise shes a beast. Thanks