"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Think you are running low on nitro. How many weeks is she in flower?


It’s about that time I’d say… Smell her, if she suddently smells extra sweet, then I chop.


I agree with both of them - they are probably low on N, and if the trichs are all cloudy its chop time. The fresh pistils are a last ditch attempt to reproduce. There’s no THC in pistils :wink: so more isn’t helpful. I’d cut 'er down.

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Hey, if that’s an autoflower, I’ve had the same thing happen on multiple occasions…
Burnt tips or signs of overfeeding all along, but then still yellowing wayyy to early in flower.
She HUNGRY! :laughing:

Finicky bitches autos can be. I’ve definitely limped my fair share across the finish line. But, I do tend to push em into sedative type flower. :wink:


PSA, @islandpreservation has let me know that out of 15 of my Zamaldelica Express plants he’s growing, he’s got 3 MALES that are herming.

Male herms is something @Cbizzle saw in the f4s that he grew as well. I had one of my two males herm, I composted him and used the other, which lived to a faded old age as male only.

I’ve got a girl of my F5 that’s pretty far along now and looking lovely, but I have composted males immediately, didn’t want to make seeds this time. I’ll share any further feedback I get, and am always happy to see pics & info shared here too.
Here’s my girl, in the “gawky teenager” phase :wink: and got too tall so I supercropped the leader. Not the best soil in that pot, she’s doing well in spite of it. I’ve got a few others at seedling stage.


Love the growth progress!


The afghani autos had some funny males also, but I have yet to see it transfer to the females.


Ya but this girl is almost ready to harvest. Was green up to last 2 wks plus no nutes just water so not worried about the low N since this is about if ready to harvest. I actually grew this one very well healthy the whole grow!


Update on the afghani autos from @Kasper0909 :smiley:

This happy girl is 26" tall now, and starting to chunk up her buds.

This one put on a growth spurt and fried her top bud on the light while I was out of town. I’m not sure what to do with her, and out of taller spaces. I’m considering taking her into the bathroom and introducing her to the Beast Mode pollen, because why not?

I waited too long to harvest runty #201 and lost the top to mold. I’ve got 2 lower buds drying, and there are some seeds on this little lower stump I hope will mature. I had seeded a little of one lower with afghani pollen. This plant was notable for sprouting well in the cold temp, where the rest of these seeds did not.

Pretty baby buds starting on the Mimosa from @Ris , which are the three largest plants pictured here:

@pharmerfil the crosses I started of yours a while back both came out males, so RIP this time. I’ll have another go though. They were lovely plants.

Some bud porn from your Lemon Pie x Ciskei @LoveDaAutos
They all have a lovely scent, I think lemon pie would be a good description, so I suspect that’s pretty dominant. :slight_smile:
They started 12/12 on March 8, so this is the start of week 8 of flower and they look very developed, so I’m guessing you succeeded at shortening their bloom time quite a lot with the auto cross.

And I finally printed a sheet of labels with the art @Rogue made for me :heart_eyes:


Now I’m sad that I didn’t get the pretty labels! :confused:


Just means I need to send you more seeds, right? :wink:


You know @RainToday before I started using my USB mini microscope to look very closely at the trichromes one of my main tools for determining if a plant was ready to harvest was to look at the pistils. When they had turned their autumn color it told me the plant was close. However once I bought the usb mini microscope I found that with autos especially the plants can keep pushing out new pistils even when the trichromes are telling me the time to harvest the plant is perfect. Looking at the Lemon Pie x Ciskei plant it sure does have a lot of white pistils yet.


Yes, I’ve seen that continual push of new pistils before too. I usually look at the trichomes once the calyxes are plump and the plant is starting to look done with the first pistils. I saw quite a few gold trichomes on the sugar leaves of one of yours already, but not on the calyxes and in general they don’t look done yet. Gorgeous so far!


what do you think of this beautiful lady? Throwing new pistils also i recently miss placed my loupe.


Nice!! Looking freaking good. Love the look of those buds filling out


Those Afghanis look great!
And that’s a lovely use for the art! :smile:


Very pretty @420noob :heart_eyes:
Doesn’t look done to me yet, even for my early harvest tastes. I keep forgetting to take some specific photos for you while the lights are on in my grow room. It’s why photoperiods drive me crazy. :rofl: Hopefully I’ll manage it tomorrow. Mondays are crazy anyway, I barely even got to water.


Did it! @420noob here is what I wanted to show you. At the base of the main flowers, and often easier to see much lower on the stem once the flowers plump up are these little single pre-flower calyxes. I find them really helpful for judging maturity, because they’re off by themselves and easy to see.
They start out kind of shrunken looking like a triangle with the sides sucked in.

Then they plump up and puff out until the sides bow outwards and they are fat enough to be holding a seed even though they are empty. Once they reach that stage the plant could be ready.
Very early flower:

Early-mid flower:

Close to done:

I don’t have anything fully mature.
It would be a tiny bit larger, and then they often start to yellow.

Hope this is helpful :smiley:


Hmm, I’ve never heard someone say that before.
But, you are right, ya hnow!


for sure, as a plant matures the hairs recede back into the calyx and swell a bit.
I’ve collected enough of these to dry them and roll a doob… lol