"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Some pumpkins need help with polination. The flowers only open for a short time. You can pluck a male flower pull pedals off and just rub the stigma of the female flower. Iā€™ve never been able to get pumpkins to grow without manual polination. And even then they end up tiny but the vine goes on forever. I havent given it a try in a while. Maybe next year.



Yeah, I did just that earlier this week :grin: and I also have a little house full of bee tubes with a bunch of active leafcutter bees right on the side of the house above the pumpkins.
I noticed when I tried the hand pollinating that the amount of pollen was fairly small. It was damp that day too from rain the day before. Iā€™m going to try again today I think. The first 3 pumpkins on the stalks all were a loss because the plants werenā€™t even producing male flowers yet. Thatā€™s opposite to zucchini and to my memory of other squash Iā€™ve grown which always made a boatload of male flowers first.
I think I may be seeing why these seeds are so expensive. :laughing:

Iā€™m going to let up to 4 pumpkins develop per plant, to try to get a bunch of seeds to save. They wonā€™t be thousand pounders with so many growing, but even 50 pounds would be pretty amazing looking in the garden. Iā€™ve got 3 plants there, I didnā€™t thin to one for the same reason, wanting seeds. :slight_smile:


I have one of those little tube bee houses too. My daughter made my wife get one after I taught her that bees help the garden. Almost forgot all about it. Me and her will have to put up this weekend

Iā€™ve never gotten a pumpkin to grow more than 8 inches across.


Pumpkins and other squash are super picky. I find it very hit or miss. I got some 3" diameter Kabocha, acorn, and Hubbard squash a few years ago. :rofl: We put them out with the pretty gourds as decorations, because there wasnā€™t much point in cooking them up for 2 bites. :wink:

Actually, they remind me a bit of autoflower cannabis - either itā€™s there or its spectacularly not :rofl:


Wishing you luck on the pumpkin harvest, I bet soon you will be taking pictures like thisā€¦
images (32)


When you get new seeds should you always rest them with rice to dry them ?

Nah, only if youā€™re super impatient like me :laughing: or if you have to put the in containers and theyā€™re very very dry. I just want to get the moisture content to drop faster so I have a better chance of getting them to germinate in a few weeks. And Iā€™m kind of a klutz, so if I leave open containers sitting around Iā€™ll probably spill them. :woman_facepalming::laughing:


Oh ! Ok i thought it was mabye something important to do i have recieved beans only a couple time but i have gotten then in rice so i thought it might be something new ! Thanks


The way I understand it is if youā€™re storing for long term you should put them in the refrigerator with some rice or desiccant packets to keep them dry. Pulling them out of the fridge can cause condensation and that could cause mold or mildew to grow or seeds to germinate. Iā€™ve stored vegetable seeds in air tight ammo containers for years without refrigeration but I think cannabis seeds are a bit more fragile than tomatoes and cucumbers.


All seeds are designed to last.
If they donā€™t last, then they werenā€™t viable in the first place.


You might want to consider speaking with someone about your desire to make seeds with every plant you touch.


Every living thing needs water to survive. It amazes me that seeds being so tiny can stay alive for as long as they do. Eventually they dry completely and perish.


My best pals already know the truth, and I donā€™t think my therapist could handle it. :wink::laughing:

Just shook this nice boy one more time, I think Iā€™ll retire him tomorrow. Momā€™s naturopath (and friend) renewed her cannabis prescription for 15 plants, where it was 10 before, and Iā€™ve got a few I can retire, so I have the possibility to start the next 5 Miss Piggy and try a few of the seeds I just made. Sometimes they germinate easily, sometimes they need some time. Iā€™ve got enough to give it a shot :slight_smile:


Buddy Iā€™m sorry Iā€™ve not been around muchā€¦ hurt my back thinking I can use a pressure washer while on a ladderā€¦ hehe. ouch. weird, feels good to be sore for that reason, working. lol.

You have been so busy and kinda killing itā€¦ I am so glad your enjoying your battle to preserve Miss Piggy. You now have the last of the seeds except whatever Argo is sitting onā€¦ he was sent so much of my gear he had to create a Carty Boxā€¦ hehe. he also made my 10,000 Gabagoo F4 seeds for me.


How about a little insight on the Miss Piggyā€¦

Man Bear Alien Pig x Gabagoo F2

Here are some of the parents.

Man Bear Alien Pig day 70 seeded mommaā€¦

MBAP day 70 pheno B

Offspring from test #1 of

After testing, 150 seeds of Miss Piggy and Gabagoo f2 were sent to a grower in Humboldt to grow and my return would be thousands of seeds of eachā€¦


No worries! Take it easy on yourself, and yeah, soreness from being active and accomplishing stuff is satisfying :grin:
My sister had her second child last week, and I ended up over there a good bit helping out. Took 3 days off. Trying to get my rear back in gear and motivated to work today. Harvested the first spoonful of seeds off the second Miss Piggy mom yesterday, just letting them dry a little before mailing.
Nice parent photos! Thanks :green_heart::seedling::green_heart:


Yes, i agree ! But unfortunately, sometimes, we have accidents that in no way were meant to happen ! This last grow, unfortunately, got caught in the middle of a very busy last couple of months . When i pop these beans i was rushing around doing a thousand things i accidentally dropped 2 seed into one hole unfortunately for me the one was a male and the female was so dominant that she engulfed the male to were he grew in the middle of the plant so with all he leafs i didnt see him growing up the middle ! Again, i was busy a lot and had some help from people who
didnā€™t really know what to watch for so it was already dropping pollen that what drew my attention to the plant !!! Fucked the whole grow but i was not about to scrap 10 plants so i was on for the ride ! Lucky for me i have a couple tents so i was able to get something for my time but i ended up with a wack of seeds that i will figure out what to do with in time ! But now you know the rest of the story !


Beautiful plants Rain, as always. You could breed Miss Piggy with a Kermit related strain like Kindway Farms Kermit The Hog and make Muppet Babies! :crazy_face: Sorry.

Congrats to your sister, and your mum. Hope your foot is on the mend?


When I was a little girl I often wore my hair in pigtails which looked just like a brown hair version of Red the muppet. :rofl:
I do think my foot is starting to feel better, though itā€™s going to be a while before itā€™s particularly good. Thanks for caring :green_heart:


Got to get that foot feeling better for the meet up @RainToday. Sending healing vibes your way