Young white ice tree I planted I need some feedback guys


Are you using supplemental lighting to keep it in veg?

Sorry, i see you’re in jamaica.

Natural lighting “sun/moon” guerilla growing as they say this is my first grow I am just learning the trade some of the concepts I read about are new to me

Here in the states the days are to short right now. We would have to add daylight for a couple of hours to keep in veg. I have no idea about your paradise.

Spring time right now so we have a balance day tonight ratio rainfall is frequent during the days and night’s also personally I think spring is the best season for growing just about anything in the tropics


Looking good, Outdoors you probably want to grow more than 1 for sure as anything can happen to just 1 plant . It could turn out to be male, could get sick and die, or insects and animals including humans could kill it. But it looks healthy right now. You need to plant some more though, to insure you have something in the end.

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Respect fam More trees will be added for sure ! Will also take pictures at each stage I have over a 1000 more seeds white ice is truly a lovely breed to grow peace

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Hi n welcome!
Have ya heard bout Blue Montains, Lambsbreed or Orange Hill strains in your área? Are ya growin guerrilla or in your yard?
Best wishes…

Young white ice tree I planted I need some feedback guys


My advice would be to give me a call at harvest and we’ll help you take that tree down. :sunglasses:

yeah @Kief876 wheres the harvest pictures buddy, don’t leave us hanging buddy, hope all is well!