12-12 from seed still not in flower @8weeks

Interesting observation and specimen. It’s neat to see these sorts of outliers. I like the idea of making seeds to preserve the rare expression. On one side of the spectrum there are auto flowering types with most types flowering normally under 12/12. To see the other end of the spectrum and it’s inherent challenges is quite attractive.

I may have missed it if already commented on, I’m curious to know if this is a plant from regular or feminized seeds stock? Many blessings and much love

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I’ve grown it’s sisters with good results but who could say what plants the seeds actually come from where.

I’ve never needed calmag, there’s times I’ve tried it but ut doesn’t make any difference i. My garden, that being the case I don’t it cutting into my base nutrients % :relaxed:

High nitrogen levels idk about, I’m using a full profile nutrient so I thought it couldn’t ve too high or low?

Jfc, I’ve grown for a few decades but only on my own, I can grow a ok crop but idk much about it all, that’s the truth.

Actually overgrow is great, there’s a lot growers here with lots of actual experience, in the past at riu I just didn’t ask based on the replies I seen to some questions.

I’m not looking to run down riu it manages that itself lol, but I’ve few friends there so i still check in.

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Hey bud thank you, thats a good question that, it’s feminised-seeds.

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I believe gardening becomes intuitive after you have the basics down.
If this has worked for you in the past, I think you could blame the genetics.


Would you agree it’s got potential to be a good yeilder, its only the top 20% you’re seeing in the pic?
Check the amount of bud sites :heart_eyes:

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Have you ever recycled your old coco?

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I do recycle my coco.
I feel it gets better with age.
I’ll add new coco to replenish the volume from composting and rootball removal.

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I can’t believe how well recycling works, I’ve got enough coco to last me a decade or more now.

I’ve saved circa £300 over the last couple of years ± plus I’ve no risks of bumping into my neighbour for example at the grow shop, it was always stressful going to the grow shop afraidthat i meet anyone.
I live in a rural community so getting it delivered also creates issues as I know the delivery dude personally.

So now I’ve got 100s of liters, but I’ve been working with the same ±100lt since I started recycling.

It just keeps working and continually saving me money, it’s spectacular value for money :money_mouth_face:


I see so much of me in this thread… still have my Oxypots out in the shed… switched to felt pots, less mess… same results.
Love the recycling of coco, but have a big suggestion for you as I used to do the same… the old root mass not removed can be broken down and turned into a food the plant can uptake…
HYBROZYME… adding this will do just that, break down old plant mass into a food enzyme… using this changed everything reusing coco… also, if you order from Amazon and have them send in Amazon box and not vendor, nobody will know you ordered a new 15kg brick from Botanicare… yup, use good coco coir and not the small red bricks… they need rinsing big time.


@Carty hey bud, when I started recycling my coco I did wonder about the roots decomposing and adding nutrient to the mix, I didn’t want to problems later so I sieved the roots out and thankfully no problems.

I use the mesh from a fan to sieve it makes the coco look like new.

i used canna coco for years but i’ve found the course fibrous brick coco great for seedlings and clones but maybe less so for flowering if hand feeding.


I wouldn’t have expected 13/11 to be a problem I intended to try it until I watched a YouTube video which changed my mind.

Looking at my crop I knew something wasn’t right, the skunk looks fk up and clone plants are stretched beyond normal.
Taken 10/12 days ago.
9b90ebe35f3c53c1b3c2f06df0d51fb0306a5856_2_690x344 (1)
Taken yesterday.

There’s always something to be learned even from a fk up, I think that’s 2 from 3 seeds pretty much ruined with 13/11.


11/13 or 10/14 looks Better than 12/12 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m not sure if it’s been said by someone else, but you may have a couple of Autos there.
They don’t care what the light cycle is, they’re not flowering until they are ready.


Is there any scientific proof that 11/13 or 10/14 Is Better than 12/12?

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I thought more light would be better provided you weren’t over the maximum dli

But according to this youtube video I’m wrong.

I wouldn’t call it scientific but I don’t doubt the dude has tried and logged 10/13 light.

There’s a few interesting subjects it’s worth a listen if you’re bored.

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I had a few phenos of sugar floss by cannarado do this to me last run… it was weird, I hit it with a bloom enhancer,and got em kicked off at week 9.they were monsters but produced some of the most potent flower ive ever smoked.


you dont need to change your environment to induce flower. just the light timing 12 12… bloom enhancers could help if you havent tried… are these the same cultivar? and do you know the breeder? could just be bad genetics… or they could be late late late bloomers. usually by this time i would have tossed the plants as its costing money to veg forever

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this is literally and endless pit at this point. In my personal opinion, i would toss em… unless you have endless money for electric and nutes… have they stopped growing vertically?

Hey bud, yes they’ve stopped growing verticaly.

There’s still 4 healthy plants there, 3 of them flipped around Christmas I don’t consider that a waste but I am sorely disappointed.

Generally i don’t use bloom boosts or enchancers, I’ve tried some but i prefer to stick with ab base nutrients.

There’s still a nice harvest to be had and I’m stoked about my new blueberry pheno, ive had bigger loses.

Making the best of a poor situation, in every fk up there’s opportunity to learn.

I’ve learned don’t ever use 13/11 on seeds, don’t mix seed plants and clones,
and maybe a novel way for making multi pheno mother’s.

It’ll work it’s only a matter if getting it right?
After a 2nd look I’m thinking I’d rather have them in contact with outer stem/bark?

Idk if the bit I drilled is even alive?
I’ll find out in time though I’m dubious tbh, if got the opertunity to drill it again I’d go right down the edge, I’d also use a sharp drill but that’s another story.

Let’s see what happens?

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