12-12 from seed still not in flower @8weeks

I can’t believe I posted my reply into the wrong thread instead of here?

I’m a damn Jackass!

I discovered the timer is set at 13.15/10.45
Idk this crop has been damn cursed there’s always been something not quite right.
I’d like to reset it tbh but it’s too far gone now to back out.
I’m absolutely pissed at myself for being a fk up…
I’d rather not know about it, ignorance is bliss :joy:

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The pics aren’t great but you get the idea of what happening.

#2 I’ve not much hope for.

But the others are ok


@Star_Dog I would get rid of that plant asap. It’s just a waste of space and will never do anything worthwhile. It’s what I call a leaf ball. Once you start trimming a dried bud it disappears into nothing


Hey bud, yes tbh I don’t have much hope or enthusiasm for it but it’s not in the way.


I discovered my se3000 power was fluctuating between 217w and 290w I’ve since fixed it.

My temps are looking better for it, if I hadn’t have cleared my data logger I could’ve tracked it back to when it happened.

I suspect its been like that from day #1 but idk for sure, I’m only thinking back and temps were always less than expected even with the dehumidifier running 24hrs.

I’m sure I’ve ironed out anymore problems but it’s too late in the day, I’m almost into wk6 now.

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Sorry for out of context post buddy, but I am approaching the next hash batch making and I have very poor quantity of dried Frozen buds,so I wanted to try dry sift instead of Bubbles hash.I Remember seeing your posts about It.
Could you give me some advices?I Don’t have screens,only Bubbles bags


Hey bud, yes no worries.

I used a 150 micron screen but I think close enough size will be fine, when I was looking into dry sifting most of the machines were 150 micron with an option of 125 micron (fine)

I crumbled the buds inside a bag then poured them into a bucket and fixed the screen over that with a bungee.

If were using the bags I’d try to get a bucket that could fit the bottom of the bag flush, sort of like a big salt shaker!

A sheet of heavy plastic is ideal then shake,shake,shake over it, you’ll see the coating of trichs falling onto it.

For the best quality it’s better to do many short shakes and gather them individually rather than one continous shake.

You’ll see the sift getting darker the longer you work it.

Good luck bud, if you encounter any problems give me a shout :+1:


Thanks and Sorry for the interruption.What I noticed Is I already got White dust in the plastic container they are stored in.Basically Trichomes that felt while I was handling the box.
So It Is like moroccan hash tech,like shaking lightly,then collect.
Maybe apply some heat to compact It After the collecting

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Yes a bit of heat helps with pressing it, I use oven bags they’re strong and heat resistant, a popular method for pressing keif is a wine bottle with hot water inside.

I lightly hand press it so that re crumble it back into a joint :heart_eyes:

It’s amazing to smoke :heart_eyes:


For future reference 12 12 from seed is pointless. The plants must reach sexual maturity before they flower. You might as well veg them for a few weeks first bc it’s going to take the same time. This is only useful for sativa varieties that get outta control. This is from experience, 12 12 start plants are always way smaller than a short vegged plant.