1890w CMH No Till Diary

@high4twentydays, bro. The build is super nice. Good work! Construction skills along with a nice jade green thumb…we can tell you’ve spent your time wisely so far.

My only question is, where do you do the laundry now?!? :wink:

Stay hazed and keep it up man, super glad you came back to the net!


Why do laundry when you have that flowering space… :yum:

You can be high for years, so high you don’t care whether your laundry is done or not… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Very true… who cares if yo clothes stank… as long as that stank is Dank

Thanks for the chuckle @v1ru5

Stay hazed


Left 5-6’ or so until the far foundational wall. Have a nice little laundry room :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for the kind words all!

Sorry for double post of pics, will keep them all in this thread moving forward!


Moved a Green Crack by Humboldt into flower today. Little bit of canopy maintenance, and filled all the reservoirs on the Earthboxes. Need to transplant a couple clones into a box, and I’ve decided to transplant the extra clones I have into another box to be flipped in 10 days as to lengthen my veg time. The long and short of it is that I thought 30 days would be enough veg time for 2 plants in an Earthbox, as it seemed 60ish days for a single plant was perfect. However, now that I’m looking at some of these at 20 days, I don’t think another 10 days will be sufficient. I’ve been taking tons of extra clones, so going to mix a few of them up in one of these boxes to keep myself on my perpetual schedule. Thinking it should work out well. More photos coming later.


Quick nug shot of GG4 at day 33


Really, really, nice bud :stuck_out_tongue:. Mechelle x


Thanks so much for the kind words!


Killing it in here @high4twentydays

Loving your methods, Everything is so clean and the results are outstanding :+1:


Thanks so much man! No till has totally changed my life!


Little photo update. Room is filling up.

Green Crack by Humboldt at day 5

GG4 at day 15

Grand Blueberry Pie by Green Fire Genetics at day 25

GG4 at day 35
<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/8/4/848b0083735ffd55e09168926920df717d27dc19.jpeg" width=“666” height="500”>

Room is halfway full! Not much room to move lol

That’s all for now.



Half of room


GG4 at day 42

Grand Blueberry Pie at day 32


Loving how that blueberry pie is looking…

I’m really interested in no till myself… Seeing the quality that come from no till makes me wish I knew about it years ago when I had things up and running. When I have an opportunity again to set up a proper room I’m doing no till without a doubt. I swear the soil is just as interesting as the pot… Maybe more honestly. Lol


personally i can’t stand the idea of bugs and critters moving around in my garden… would freak me out to see my soil move… but @high4twentydays definitely has some nice looking nug meat for sure!

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Haha I totally understand @legalcanada it’s like learning to grow with Chem certs it’s like no bugs! Bugs are the enemy! It’d be like ulture shock switching from a dwc to no till.


Eventually you realize they are part of the no-till army. :+1::seedling:


Man you don’t see much to be honest! And not having to lug soil in and out of my house, find a place to dump it, recycling all of my plant material so no waste there. It really is super sweet!

@Eddie.saw do it. Don’t even think twice about it. My only regret is not doing it years ago when my friend and mentor first told me about it. I grew salts for years but nothing compares to the flavor and quality of solid organic flower! Not to mention the cost is sooooo low when you don’t have to purchase bottles, or soil, or really anything at all. My room costs me less than $300 a month, electric included.


Game changer for me after almost 15 years of bottles. I ran it all. Botanicare, advanced, house and garden, cutting edge solutions, general organics, plagron, RX green, veg bloom, canna, the list goes on. Nothing has compared to no till.

yes thats true the cost of medium is quite inhibitive, especially with coco being 35$ per 11 gallons, and no denying the awesome results you’re getting.

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