1890w CMH No Till Diary

What’s up —

Brand new here on the new OverGrow. I was on these boards back in 2001 as a 14 year old kid, absorbing as much info on growing cannabis as I possibly could from the likes of Jorge Cervantes, CecilC, BOG, Ras, the list goes on and on.

Planted my first seeds in 2002, at 15 years old. Been doing it ever since.

Fast forward to 2013; landed a job in the medical marijuana industry in my state. Have spent the last 5 years managing operations in facilities 20,000 sq ft+

Made the switch from bottled nutrients to no till organics last year with the help of the smartest and best grower I’ve met in my life. Graduate Plant and Soil Science student who, in the thousands and thousands of pounds I’ve seen and processed over the years, produced by far the finest cannabis I’ve ever seen in my life (he would play it down).

Built out a couple rooms in my basement. A 6 x 6 veg room and a 21 x 9 flower room. Originally designed flower room for 8 x 315cmh, however I totally spaced when budgeting for veg lights. Alas, I’ve got 6 x 315 in flower, and 2 in veg.

Soil is on its 3rd or 4th cycle. Some are older than others. BAS LOS with Malibu compost. 2 cu ft Earthboxes. Top dressed from time to time with neem, kelp, fish bone, crustacean meal at a 1:1:1:1 ratio. About half my boxes are cover cropped but I am holding out on rest as I had a fungus gnat population explosion resulting from a long weekend away. Occasional root drenches with aloe, coconut water, fulvic acid, potassium silicate.

Really loving the no till life after mixing bottles for years. No more pH, no more salt drying out the skin on my hands from mixing, no more flushing. Beautiful flowers, simplicity, and organic. The way it’s meant to be.

Happy to rejoin this board. Hope to see some familiar handles. Feel free to ask questions or offer input and suggestions.




Strains I am currently running:

707 Truthband by Humboldt
Green Crack by Humboldt
Grand Blueberry Pie by Green Fire Genetics
Hell’s Bells by Swamp Boys (still in veg)
Sapphire OG by Humboldt (still in veg)
Dedoverde Haze by Humboldt (still in veg)


Some photos from the build out of the flower room

That’s all for now –



looking great! Cant wait to see more!


Thanks bro. Was a little behind on veg so my flower room is only half full at the moment. Will be filling up nicely over the next few weeks. I will keep the photos coming lol


This is dope af.

Can’t wait to see this monster of a flower room to be filled with dank!

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Lol thanks bro I had it filled nicely a few months back but slowed down because my wife and I were looking at purchasing another home. Lo and behold, we stayed here and I’ve been ramping back up. Really getting it dialed in the last couple of months!

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hell yeah! That flower room is gonna be pumping out the nugs!

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Clean efficient set up.

When you are finally done growing in that space, a million years from now, it will still have value.

Well done.


It would be super easy to put a large utility sink with an ejection pump into that waste pipe too.


Thanks man, that was the idea. I had a 10kw room before this and it was anything but efficient lol. Did so much research before this build and took some chances. I had never messed with organics and wasn’t sure how it was all going to work out in terms of yield, etc. but so far, so good (knocks on wood). Of course, there was a bit of a learning curve to the no till stuff but I think I am starting to get a decent grip on it.

Utility sink is in the plans at some point :slight_smile:


I use organic soil but haven’t gotten into the no till. I have so much compost capacity that I like to turn every thing into there and re-use out side in the garden.


Notill changed the game for me. I used to run House and Garden in Pro Mix 25gal plastic pots so I would PISS through bales of media. So happy I made the switch. Zero waste and it really is just getting better and better and better with time and inputs.


Ull like it here again. Mechelle x


More no-till goodness! Welcome back. :thumbsup: :seedling:


Nice clean set up! Try not to double post your pictures however. :relaxed:


Mate, cut him some slack this is Overgrow.com where people high af :wink:

Don’t you see his room? He GOTTA BE HIGH AF :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Did i come off rude? :hushed:


No no no! :smiley:

I am joking! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I guess I didn’t put enough smileys to make that clear :stuck_out_tongue:

Puff some and don’t worry about it! :joy:

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