1972 Wild Vietnamese Landrace for trade. and a story for free

I wrote down the info of when and where they came from. It was the latter part of 1972 He was at Donghae, Gangwon-do, South Korea resupply base on the coast by the Chobiats river (how he pronounced it I did not find it on map. They were out on patrol and crawling under these plants with seeds raining down on their heads.I grew some Outdoor this year and my brother grew some last year. We both found that they started budding and were almost finished before all our other strains even showed sex. Aroma was fruity, plants grew tall and straight in a chrismas tree shape, , buds were big but a bit airy with pointed tips like a fox tail. A joint between two got you a nice head high but not blasted like my other strains .Kinda a nice change really. Smoking a joint now it is smoothe, expands a bit. Taste hard to desribe not fruity like the smell,peppery,very mellow, sweet aftertaste but themain taste, a little like a rum soaked tobacco,? no not that. Can’t decide if I really like the taste due to it hits no past taset. I am starting to feel it. A little heaviness bottom of brain level, nose height, blurring of edges but sharper on color, a little light all body vibration, movement smoother more enjoyable, greater awareness of surroundings, feeling more a part of it. would like it to intensify so hitting on last half of joint… And this is where it got weird. I am sitting inside a pulsing ball of energy, scalp tingling with a light static, every atom vibrating separately, Awareness feels trpled. The mind suddenly aware of the body’s ills is swiftly correcting. Now I am connecting with the world in the same way. Did I say world? There’s so many levels. So from the line " This is where it got weird, it sems good for creative and humour because I find that funny. More than a third of the joint left. I let it go out.bodies joints seem better lubed. painsites a little duller so diminishes pain. So good for physical aspects mildly. Thinking processes enhanced over dibillatated. My Opinion? Good shit. So maybe I dont want to trade now? Boo, The I am one and all is me part say’s we want to try this, and that’s what I am here for. This weed needs to find more people not die away, This plant has put in much effort to knowing and be pleasing to us, Only fair to return the gesture.


hmmmmm sounds interesting would love to add this strain to my garden what do you need for e few

Very cool, do you have any pictures of the dried bud?

yeah, i wanted them. i think we wanted to have a deal-

i am vietnmaes preserver and world shareing, sent lotsa viet beans into the community. i want. and i have .

vietnamese IS the most magical weed there has ever been, together with two other most magical regions like Kongo and Middleamerican. hunted it forever, loveit to death, was getting bit nerved last time, im sorry… but


Sounds like a winner.

Shrooms with that doobie? Lol


Due to a stroke I had to let someone care for them. not transplaanted or fed till I could do it then three moves after. It embarases me to show themThey had already showed sexwhen I left hospital. Also harvested early. It’s an injustice to the plant but will take a pic and post it soon


Glad you made your way over here, I was about to tag you when I first read the thread’s title. :wink: Figured if there’s anyone here who’d appreciate a little old-style tripweed, it’s you.

That said, I’d also love to try some and I’ll be sending a DM to see if I have anything you’re interested in, @oldhippy. :slight_smile:


Now these sound interesting

What are you looking for ? I may have a few things

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PM adresses, first come gets better looking seeds not sure how long this goes on till I keep the rest, started six seed germinating to see if any pop. Hated to since they will not be grown. but don’t want to send if none pop. Post germ rate, I hope, when it comes.


Greetings, @oldhippy…interested in trading for some of those. Throw out some of what you’re looking for. I have 1K+ varieties/strains in my “Ole Stash Bag”, surely we could come up with something worthy. Take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Have my liquid culture , Wild Cyanescens just got some straw to add to the grain medium. so stoppin after these first five to get that working on now, chopping and sterilizing. hoping that lets them start


Sorry to hear about you’re stroke and I do thank you for sharing these seeds with the community. I also enjoy doing this but my plants are not as special as this one. Sounds like a real winner enjoy the thread and best luck with you’re healing process.

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Awesome! Cyans are a favourite of mine.

making packets just need adress m me adress. you choose on rest 4 plants is legal so femmed if possible. go out soon as I get envelopes use return for shipping but mark their identity for me


hit me an address I have packet ready.


Im up for the trade, DM me and maybe I have smth you like!

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reserve me a Pack till tomorrow ill write you. THANK YOU!

Sounds like awesome weed!

making packets just need adress m me adress. you choose on rest 4 plants is legal so femmed if possible. go out soon as I get envelopes use return for shipping but mark their identity for me