Siberian Ruderalis Preservation Help

Hey OG, Its Light.

I have a few siberian ruderalis beans , and 90 percent less growing experience than you lovely folks here.

Once I get some stamps I’d like to send one or two of you guys 1-2 beans of this awesome landrace to help me preserve it through feminized beans.

I only have 4-5 beans left I think so I Don’t trust my self with my experience too pop all of them to get beans. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do have some luck on my side as they may be regular seeds, the vendor didn’t disclose whether they sent fem or reg so theres that.

Whats in it for helping me? Well, hopefully a butt load of Siberian Ruderalis seeds for your vault as long as you send a pack or two back XD.

I do realize this is quite alot to ask, but I feel alot of you could really enjoy working with these genetics!

I think because its stunted, the Siberian I have growing right now started showing sex on the FOURTH NODE. Genetics that flower this fast should be national treasure XD


Sounds absolutely lovely. Any pics? Can’t help, unfortunately, but would love to know more, and pics might also inspire someone else to take it on

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Posted some !


I don’t know how many time it takes for an autoflower to show sex, so I can’t say if it is fast or nor.
How many time has it?
It looks pretty young.


I dont know if im understanding your question very well or not, I have only popped one bean so far,

I may have stunted it some by doing solo cup and transplanting

Most autos I’ve grown start showing sex 21-25 days after sprouting from soil. They are usually still very small when that happens.


When do they start getting big?

Mine is quite tall but just not beefy at all

Depends on the genetics. Usually around week 5 or 6 they are at full size… but with a genuine ruderalis, I’m not sure. Some autos are very small and don’t yield a lot. Maybe this will be similar?

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How she looks now



Hard to say for sure… but based on number of nodes she currently has, and the lack of any side branching, I’d guess that she is not going to get much bigger, and will most likely have just one main bud on top

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shes got some interesting side growth all the way at the first nodes but other than that not much, Totally agree

if it´s “pure” Siberian Rudi,it will probably stay this “big”…not much branchy ,i guess… fingers Xed

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This is a project a lot of people would be interested in. The first step in my mind is find out if they are regular or feminized seed. This makes a huge difference in how to proceed
Good luck

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I’ll email the seed bank and see if they remember what they sent out :slight_smile:

Hey overgrow , I know this is a Siberian Ruderalis preservation thread , but if you have interest helping preserve two other strains I can arrange that too!

I’m talking about Kullu India landrace and Laos Highland Thai landrace :slight_smile:

I barely have a good grow of bag seed under my belt and am just worried I’ll run the few beans I have and fuck up lol :joy::laughing:


Your guess was DEAD wrong :rofl::rofl:. Just thought it was funny to see this message after seeing her explode in less than a month :rofl: much love fire :fire::fire::fire:

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Haha! It’s true! I’ve maybe never been more wrong in my life! :joy:

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