1979 Sacred Seeds Ancestral / Grandfather Skunk F2 project

Caught my interest, I’ll be lurking over here, hey @Gpaw ! Pass it this way! I got the next fill.


Keeping an eye on this one. :eyes:
I was just asking the differences in the Skunk venue…:thinking:
Learning lesson for sure! :green_heart:
Happy to tag along @GrownAtHighAltitude !:v:


If there is a seed run, I´m sure there are a lots of interested folks here…If it indeed is OG skunk


Not much to update yet, gave everything a dose of biologicals/LABS and probably too much water but everything looks okay so far. The stretch is beginning.


A closer look at the back row:

I flipped all pots 180 degrees.

Lots of pollen sacs already showing on the male. I hope it continues to produce those for the duration.


The stem rub aromas I’m getting from the three female skunks are intensely stanky. They are each slightly different also. I wish I could pinpoint the details better…

The male has somewhat more muted incense like smells.


My nipples are hard a i tinkled a little!!
I’ll be in the back watching and drying out!
Greatest of success to you sir.



If this effort is successful, I am considering dedicating 50-80% or so of my outdoor garden space to the testing of the F2 progeny, with documentation. I would like to see how these genetics perform in our extreme growing conditions. Of course, this is depending on this test grow too.

If the F2s turn out to be decent, and this test is also successful, I will likely make the seeds available for free (or small shipping/handling fee) to anyone who wants to experiment. I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up because I’ve been through so many “skunks” before, but I have been assured by the source that they are very good. He just harvested another 3 females and said “as strong and potent as the last time got a really good yield as well”.

It is a really good sign that he is in public forum contact after the seeds were shipped. I have posted a bit about this project there also. It is the thread titled “Old School Skunk, who’s found it???” on RIU if anyone is interested. Warning, that thread is a long dramatic minefield of dead ends, bold claims, outright scams, and many, many skunk seekers. :slight_smile:


You can just say “It’s a normal Skunk thread” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ancestral skunks come from the last open pollination skunkman did in California before moving to Holland. So that’s after about 10 years of selection towards the sweet skunk. According to Sam, smell wasn’t the only criteria (obviously :wink:) and some stinkier example still showed here and there…

Many grew these and none found RKS, on the plus side miraculous meds and dankwolf worked many crosses and some came out absolutely amazing, no rks in the crosses either but some did stink.

Best of luck with them, some great smoke to be had regardless.

Correction, these 2 ancestral skunks aren’t from the same batch/time

The one journaled here predates the one breeders retail sold in 2018.


Think it’s about time to smell the “skunk”

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Think I should include a HALF PACK of Ancestral Skunk in next month’s “WINTER GIVEAWAY featuring BAKED BEANZ” (ref @SamwellBB). You’re all on notice!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes, you should :slightly_smiling_face:
Personally I got skunk covered but I’m sure someone will be very happy to grow some ancestral skunk :green_heart:


Some ancestral skunk crosses.
Ogkb x ancestral skunk by @dankwolf

Mazar x ancestral skunk by dankwolf

He says ancestral skunk x la confidential was killer, can’t find the picture right now…


These beans are different than the Ancestral Skunk that has gone around previously. They are from a completely different source. I updated the title to point more towards that generation of Skunk #1 precursors. This is 1978-1979 stock.

Here is a pic I got from the source:

He said he got 11lbs dry from 2 plants in that pic.


Some more info:

“It was bred from 25% Afghani, 25% Mexican Acapulco Gold and 50% Colombian Gold.”

“I know the whole story behind the genetics my best friends brother and his partner created it I hung out as a teenager at sacred seed Dave Watkins (Sam the Skunkman) in Mendocino County California 1978 they give me and Kris my buddy Dave’s brother weed to clean up around the store. Seeds were $2.00 a piece. They got raided in 81 by DEA Joe went to Canada Dave went to Amsterdam and started Dutch Seeds.”


You are right.

Previously released ancestral skunks were from 92-93 apparently…

Grow on :slightly_smiling_face:


Real skunk


Lmao!! Yes sir!


What up BL, You gotta lotta stuff goin on bruh !!! What did the 78/79 Sacred Seeds look like ? Did size, or striations stand out ? I’d get that CMH in there now ! Can you run all three lights at once ? If you can, I’d hang the MH in the middle and tilt the LED’s from each side. Increased light out put will slow down your stretch. From what I see in your pics, the stretch is gunna be serious. GL

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I forgot to ask earlier what did you do with the M mom ? Peace